BPPM Revision #504

November 17, 2017

This BPPM revision includes the following changes:

Organizational Directory 10.05

This revision:

  • Removes all references to departments having the ability to make changes to WSUORG that require administrative approval.
  • Replaces “Director” with “Appointing Authority” for administrative approval of WSUORG changes.
  • Revisions to the Add or Change WSUORG Information form include:
    • Combines two fields and renumbers the remaining fields because the official unit name and alphabetical sort name is the same.
    • Adds printed name fields for authorizers.
    • Updates note to emphasize that HRS maintains address changes/additions in WSUORG.
    • Adds notation that address information is required for new units.


Position Identifying Description (PIDD) 58.04

This revision changes the routing instructions for completed Position Identifying Description Change forms from the Budget Office to HRS.


Project Employment–Civil Service 60.23

This revision clarifies that not all grant funded positions qualify as project positions in accordance with WAC 357-19-305.


Personnel/Position/Payroll Electronic Routing Management System (PERMS) 60.25

This revision adds three location codes for use in indicating an employee’s assigned work location in PERMS.