BPPM Revision #580

November 19, 2021

This BPPM revision includes the following changes:

Nonservice Pay Authorization 30.30

This revision:

  • Updates the requirements and procedures for requesting and establishing nonservice payments, in accordance with current Workday and electronic funds transfer practices.
  • Updates the Nonservice Pay Authorization form accordingly.
  • Changes the name of the responsible office from Accounts Payable to Payment Services.

Funds Transfer of Expense Reimbursements 95.21

This revision:

  • Updates and changes the Travel/Accounts Payable Reimbursement Direct Deposit Authorization form to the Funds Transfer Authorization form.
  • Replaces the term “direct deposit” with the new terms “funds transfer” or “electronic funds transfer.”
  • Updates the section text accordingly and changes the title of the section from Direct Deposit of Travel and Accounts Payable Reimbursements.
  • Changes the responsible offices from Travel Services and Accounts Payable to Payment Services.