Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 70: Purchasing

Supplier Contract Purchases

BPPM 70.19

For more information contact:
   Purchasing Services


A Supplier Contract provides a limited direct authority to purchase goods and/or services from one particular supplier. A Supplier Contract can authorize expenditures from a specific vendor and is established for a specific period of time. Such authorizations are set up through the Supplier Contract in Workday. See the Workday Supplier Contract reference guide for instructions.

Note: When appropriate and allowable, Purchasing Services encourages departments to use departmental procurement cards, rather than supplier contracts, to purchase goods and services from external suppliers. Procurement card use increases the efficiency, accountability, and tracking of transactions (see BPPM 70.08).

Types of Supplier Contracts

The following types of Supplier Contracts are in use at the University.

All-University Supplier Contract

Any University department may use an all-University Supplier Contract to purchase goods and services from a specified supplier.

The University has established a limited number of Supplier Contracts with selected suppliers for specific goods and services. University departments may make direct purchases from these suppliers. Departments may place orders by telephone, email, mail, fax, or in person.

Department Supplier Contract

Purchasing Services may establish a Supplier Contracts for a single department to use to purchase goods and services from a specific supplier. Most often, competitive bidding or a supplier contract is required to establish such a blanket if the amount anticipated amount to be spent exceeds the competitive Direct Buy Limit within a fiscal year.

Internal Supplier Contract

A department may establish an internal supplier contract authorization with a University service center to purchase goods and/or services. The requesting department submits a completed Internal Service Delivery (ISD) transaction in Workday to the department to establish the blanket ISD authorization. See BPPM 70.06 and the Workday Procurement Internal Service Delivery reference guide.

Note: An Interdepartmental Requisition and Invoice (IRI) may be used by department personnel that do not have access to the ISD business process in Workday. See BPPM 70.05.


The following restrictions apply to Supplier Contract purchases:

  • Purchases may be made from only those suppliers and for those commodities listed in the Supplier Contract authorization.
  • Dollar value per purchase transaction may not exceed order limits specified in the Supplier Contract.
  • All purchases must be in conformance with guidelines for allowable purchases in BPPM 70.03. If a purchase is supported by an account in function #FN057, also refer to BPPM 70.33.

Viewing Supplier Contract Information

All-University Supplier Contracts

For information regarding Supplier Contracts which may be used by any University department to purchase goods and services from specific vendors, contact Purchasing Services.

Department Supplier Contracts

Personnel use Workday to view information regarding department Supplier Contracts. See the applicable Workday Procurement reference guide.

Placing Orders

To order goods and services under a Supplier Contract from a non-University supplier, provide the following information to the supplier:

  • Supplier Contract number
  • Department name and organization number for delivery
  • Contact name and telephone number
  • Program number of the supporting account

Delivery Address

WSU Pullman

If the order is for a WSU Pullman unit, indicate that the order be sent to:

Washington State University
[ Indicate campus delivery location ]
Pullman, WA 99164- [ Indicate mail code of delivery location ]

Note: If Central Receiving and Delivery is to deliver the order, the supplier’s address label should show Central Receiving and Delivery as the delivery address; mail code 1120.

Other WSU Campuses

Indicate the appropriate delivery address.

Invoice Address

Indicate that the invoice be sent to:

Washington State University
Controller’s Office
P.O. Box 641025
Pullman, WA 99164-1025

Department Pickup

If the department picks up the order directly from the supplier, departmental personnel are to obtain an invoice from the supplier (if possible). The department indicates the following on the face of the invoice and routes it to Accounts Payable through Workday:

  • Supplier Contract number
  • Program number of the supporting University account
  • Spend category

Note: Some supplier route invoices directly to the Controller’s Office.

See the Workday Create Supplier Invoice reference guide for instructions.

Revisions:  January 2021 (Rev. 560); Feb. 2010 (Rev. 356); Aug. 1994 (Rev. 95); Jan. 1992 (Rev. 88); Nov. 1991 (Rev. 84); Mar. 1990 – new policy (Rev. 80).