Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 80: Services

Commute Trip Reduction

BPPM 80.86

For more information contact:
   Transportation Services
   WSU Spokane Parking Operations and Transportation Services
   WSU Tri-Cities Environmental Health Services
   WSU Vancouver Parking Services


The Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law seeks to identify and establish commute alternatives that could reduce employee single-occupant vehicle use. Reducing single occupant vehicle use in turn will:

  • Improve air quality.
  • Reduce traffic congestion.
  • Reduce the consumption of petroleum fuels.

The law was adopted by the state legislature and incorporated into the Washington Clean Air Act in 1991 as RCW 70.94.521-551.

Major employers in all Washington counties with populations of over 150,000 are required to establish and implement CTR programs. (RCW 70.94.527) The WSU Spokane campus coordinates a CTR program with Spokane County (see WSU Spokane below).

The WSU Pullman, WSU Tri-Cities, and WSU Vancouver campuses are not required to establish CTR programs. However, University administrators at WSU Pullman, WSU Tri-Cities, and WSU Vancouver have decided to voluntarily participate in CTR goals.

Goals of CTR Program

The goals of the WSU CTR program are to:

  • Reduce traffic congestion.
  • Reduce air pollution.
  • Reduce demand for parking on campus.
  • Encourage a healthy life style by walking and/or biking.
  • Educate employees concerning benefits of CTR program.

Flexible Scheduling

Flexible scheduling is an option for employees and managers to consider. (RCW 41.04.390) When making determinations about flexible schedules, managers need to ensure that essential operations and deadlines are met and that main administrative offices remain open during the University’s statutorily-required business hours. (See RCW 42.04.060).

Collective Bargaining Unit Employees

Employees covered by collective bargaining unit agreements refer to the applicable agreements for information regarding flexible scheduling.


Managers are to consider the following when making scheduling decisions:

  • Faculty and staff may request to work a flexible schedule. Common flexible schedules include a compressed work week for a set period, e.g., four ten-hour days (4/10s), in place of five eight-hour days (5/8s), as determined by departmental needs.
  • The appropriate manager must approve any schedule changes.
  • Scheduled work days vary depending upon department and university needs.
  • Main administrative offices are open during the University’s business hours, which are: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Campus CTR Programs

WSU Pullman

The WSU Pullman CTR program provides information and access to available transportation alternatives, which meet the needs and goals of the program.

Details about all the transportation and mobility options available for the WSU Pullman campus are available from Transportation Services.

WSU also has a telework program (see BPPM 60.34).

CTR Committee

The Transportation Task Force (TTF) serves as the WSU Pullman CTR Committee.


Along with other duties, the TTF works with the CTR Coordinator to accomplish the goals of the WSU Pullman CTR program.

The committee and the CTR Coordinator are responsible for tracking the use and funding of transportation alternatives. See also CTR Cost Tracking.

CTR Coordinator

The Director of Transportation Services is the WSU Pullman CTR Coordinator.


The WSU Pullman CTR Coordinator is WSU Pullman’s primary contact person with the Washington Department of General Administration for the development and implementation of the WSU Pullman CTR program.

The CTR Coordinator is the liaison to the WSU Pullman CTR Committee.

The WSU Pullman CTR Coordinator and the WSU Pullman CTR Committee are responsible for tracking the use and funding of transportation alternatives. See also CTR Cost Tracking below.

Employee Transportation Coordinator

The CTR Coordinator designates the Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC).


The WSU Pullman ETC:

  • Manages WSU Pullman’s CTR Program with the CTR Coordinator.
  • Distributes CTR information through electronic, print, and other forms of media.
  • Reports worksite information to CTR Coordinator.
  • Encourages employees to contact the ETC for more information concerning the CTR program.
CTR Cost Tracking

The CTR Coordinator and the CTR Committee are responsible for tracking the use and funding of transportation alternatives.

State regulations allow WSU to use public funds to financially assist University-approved incentives for CTR. (RCW 43.01.230) The University must use such funds prudently and effectively.

Under the WSU Pullman CTR program, no employee receives funds.

WSU Spokane

Parking Operations and Transportation Services at WSU Spokane works with Eastern Washington University and Spokane County to coordinate the Spokane County CTR Program as it applies to the WSU Spokane campus.

For more information, contact WSU Spokane Parking Operations and Transportation; telephone 509-368-6999; or see the website at:

CTR Committee

Volunteer employees of WSU Spokane and Eastern Washington University (EWU) serve as the EWU/WSU Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Committee.

The EWU/WSU Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Committee works to promote transportation alternatives through web pages, written materials, promotional drawings, promotional recycling services, and annual gatherings.

Employee Transportation Coordinator

The Parking Supervisor serves as the WSU Spokane ETC.


The WSU Spokane ETC:

  • Serves as the point of contact between the Spokane County CTR Office and the WSU Spokane campus to implement, promote, and administer the CTR program.
  • Serves as the point of contact between the Spokane County CTR Office and the WSU Spokane campus to track and report WSU Spokane’s progress in meeting CTR requirements.
  • Supervises the CTR Committee.

WSU Tri-Cities

While not required to comply with CTR, WSU Tri-Cities periodically reviews alternative transportation options, based on changes in campus and local population, and available services. Contact Environmental Health and Safety for more information; telephone 509-372-7163.

WSU Vancouver

The WSU Vancouver CTR program provides information and access to available transportation alternatives which meet the needs and goals of the program. For more information contact WSU Vancouver Parking Services; telephone 360-546-9002.

Employee Transportation Coordinator

The Parking Supervisor serves as the WSU Vancouver ETC.


The WSU Vancouver ETC:

  • Manages WSU Vancouver’s CTR Program.
  • Distributes CTR information to affected employees.
  • Reports worksite information to the regional CTR administration.

Revisions:  January 2016 (Rev. 464); July 2015 (Rev. 452); Apr. 2006 – new policy (Rev. 277).