Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 50: Safety and Security
Campus Security Authority Designation and Communication
BPPM 50.70
For more information contact:
Campus safety and security offices
See Section 6.0
1.0 Purpose
Washington State University (WSU) is committed to maintaining a safe campus for students, employees, and visitors, which includes adherence to a robust reporting system. To that end, WSU designates certain employees as campus security authorities (CSAs), as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 USC 1092(f) (Clery Act).
CSA reporting is critical for:
- Issuing timely warnings and emergency notifications for Clery crimes and events that pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus community, and
- Fulfilling WSU’s responsibility to disclose Clery Act crime statistics annually.
2.0 Definitions
Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). CSAs include:
- Campus police department or campus security department;
- Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department (e.g. an individual who has security job responsibilities and is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property);
- Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses; and
- An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.
CSAs are required at locations where there is at least one administrator present.
Clery Committee. The WSU system Clery Committee provides leadership and accountability by coordinating systemwide efforts to ensure compliance with:
- Clery Act, 20 USC 1092(f), and
- The Clery Act’s implementing regulations 34 CFR 668.46 and 668.49, and
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA;) amendments, as relevant. (See 34 USC 12291 to 12643)
Clery Geography. Specific geographic areas that constitute campus, noncampus buildings or properties, and public property pursuant to the Clery Act. (See also BPPM 50.71.)
3.0 Designation of Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
Each campus must designate appropriate CSAs. The campus representatives on the system Clery Committee are responsible for designating appropriate CSAs. CSA designation occurs annually.
WSU endeavors to select CSAs from a variety of campus functions to ensure broad reporting. However, WSU has identified several preferred reporting channels for Clery Act crimes.
Preferred reporting channels include:
- Campus Police (excluding administrative support staff)
- Campus Security (excluding administrative support staff)
- Center for Community Standards
- Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR)
WSU also designates CSAs who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, WSU generally designates the following types of individuals as CSAs:
- Individuals with security related roles (e.g. monitoring entrances to buildings, event related security, provide safety escorts for students around campus, etc.)
- Appointing authorities
- Individuals with authority over an academic college
- Individuals responsible for student discipline and campus judicial proceedings
- Title IX and Deputy Title IX Coordinators (see the CCR Title IX Coordinators website)
- Leadership of departments that oversee student organizations (e.g. Student Affairs, Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life)
- Director of counseling or health services (excluding when reported information is protected by patient privacy and confidentiality requirements)
- Campus center leads of identity-based services, such as multicultural, African American, Chicanx-Latinx, undocumented, Asian American Pacific Islander, Women’s, LGTBQ+, and Disabled Student Centers or services
- University Ombuds
- Individuals responsible for campus housing, including resident advisors and resident education directors
- Athletics directors, coaches, and trainers
- Human Resource Services Employment Services leadership
- Off-site trip coordinators
- Club advisors (faculty are exempt when in a teaching role, but are required to engage in CSA responsibilities when they are in a club advisor role)
- Department chairs
- Student Affairs staff with ongoing contact with students (excluding administrative support staff and staff who receive information that is protected by patient privacy and confidentiality requirements)
- Staff working within grant-funded programs occurring on Clery geography that have ongoing contact with minors, students, and community members (e.g., Upward Bound, TRiO programs)
Other employees are encouraged to report using the online form or to their appointing authority or area lead, for statistical purposes.
4.0 Communication to and Training for Campus Security Authorities
Campus representatives from the Clery committee are responsible for contacting designated CSAs on a yearly basis. Contacts include information about the CSA role, required training, and reporting process.
The Clery Committee maintains a Clery Act Training available to CSAs. The Clery Committee partners with HRS Learning and Organizational Development annually to ensure designated CSAs are assigned the Clery Act Training in the online training software.
5.0 Campus Security Authority Reporting
CSAs are required to report the following Clery crimes when they occur in Clery geography (see also BPPM 50.71):
- Criminal offenses:
- Criminal homicide, including murder, non-negligent manslaughter, and manslaughter by negligence
- Sexual assault, including rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
- Hate crimes (any of the below incidents that are motivated by bias)
- Criminal homicide, including murder, non-negligent manslaughter, and manslaughter by negligence
- Sexual assault, including rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) offenses
- Domestic violence
- Dating violence
- Stalking
- Sexual assault
- Arrests and referrals for disciplinary action for:
- Weapons law violations (carrying, possessing, etc)
- Drug abuse violations
- Liquor law violations
CSAs report Clery crimes to:
- The preferred reporting channels for Clery Act crimes (see Section 6.0), or
- The online CSA Reporting Form
6.0 Receipt and Review of CSA Reports
The following departments are responsible for receiving and reviewing CSA reports for inclusion in an annual security report:
Reports Including Conduct Occurring At: | Responsible Department |
WSU Everett | WSUE Campus Safety and Security |
WSU Health Sciences Spokane | WSU Spokane Campus Security |
WSU Pullman; WSU Research and Extension (REC) sites; or Pullman buildings or property owned or controlled by an officially recognized student organization |
WSU Pullman Police Department |
WSU Tri-Cities | WSUTC Campus Security |
WSU Vancouver | WSU Vancouver Police Department |
Reports are also reviewed for purposes of timely warnings and emergency notifications, in accordance with BPPM 50.72.
The above responsible departments also request additional crime statistics from local law enforcement for public property and noncampus buildings or property as required by the Clery Act.
Revisions: July 2024 – new policy (Rev. 630).