Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 95: Travel

Applicant Travel

BPPM 95.14

For more information contact:
   Travel Services


Department chairs, unit heads, principal investigators, and project directors may authorize payment of travel expenses for prospective employees for travel to and from interview locations.

Eligible Applicants

State funds may be used to pay candidate travel expenses for the following positions:


A position above the rank of instructor. (SAAM 70.20.20)

Administrative Professional

A professional position or an administrative position with supervisory duties. (SAAM 70.20.20)


A professional position or an administrative position with supervisory duties. (SAAM 70.20.20) An applicant must be listed on an eligible roster.

Applicant’s Spouse

A spouse’s travel expenses may be authorized from gift funds for applicants to faculty or administrative professional positions. WSU does not authorize travel expenses for a classified employee applicant’s spouse.

Meal Expenses

A state account may be used to pay for meal expenses for the candidate, the candidate’s spouse, and interviewers at the prevailing meal rate for location (see BPPM 95.19). A discretionary account may be used to support identifiable liquor expenses and meal costs that exceed the prevailing meal rate (see BPPM 70.33).

Applicable Regulations

Speaker Fees

The above administrators may authorize fees to pay candidates for lectures, seminars, demonstrations, or other services. See also BPPM 95.25.

General Travel

WSU travel policies and rates apply to applicant travel. See other sections in BPPM Chapter 95. The University reimburses applicants for travel by the most expeditious means.


See BPPM 95.07.

Other Expenses

Other reimbursable expenses include costs incurred in travel, such as taxi cabs, bus, rental vehicles, parking at the airport, or transportation to and from the airport (see BPPM 95.08).

Entertainment Expenses

Entertainment expenses must be reimbursed from gift funds. See BPPM 70.33 for procedures.



Complete a Spend Authorization in Workday to request approval for a candidate’s visit. (See BPPM 95.01 and the Workday Create Spend Authorization reference guide.)

The responsible administrative officer has the option of authorizing all, none, or part of allowable travel expenses.

Classified Positions

For a classified position, the interviewing department must also secure prior approval from Human Resource Services and attach the approval to the Spend Authorization in Workday. (SAAM 70.20.50)


After the Spend Authorization is approved in Workday, the administrator of the interviewing department may send an invitation to the candidate.

The invitation specifies WSU travel policies and per diem rates and includes an estimate of lodging and transportation costs.

Prepaid Transportation

Use a Central Travel Account to obtain a common carrier ticket (see BPPM 95.04 and 95.07). Do not mail a ticket to the applicant. A travel service can wire the tickets to an airport or terminal near the applicant for a nominal fee.

Claim for Reimbursement

The Expense Report in Workday is the claim document for reimbursement for a candidate’s travel expenses. See BPPM 95.20 and the Workday Create Expense Report reference guide for procedures.

Itemize the travel expenses on an Expense Report in Workday in the same detail as is required for travel reimbursement to WSU employees.

Ask the candidate to sign a printed copy of the Expense Report when they are at the interview. Attach the signed copy to the Expense Report in Workday.

Revisions:  Mar. 2022 (Rev. 591); Jan. 2021 (Rev. 560); Apr. 2008 (Rev. 319); Sept. 1998 (Rev. 126); July 1987 (Rev. 67); Dec. 1983 (Rev. 54); June 1978 (Rev. 26); June 1977 (Rev. 19).