BPPM Revision #560
January 5, 2021
This BPPM revision includes changes related to the Financial processes the are moving into Workday. The following sections and accompanying forms are included in this revision.
- 10.11 Processing University Contracts
- 10.11 Agreement Template (removed)
- 20.40 Renting University Facilities Equipment or Services
- 20.45 Real Property Management
- 20.76 Surplus Property
- 20.78 Federal Excess Property
- 20.78-Form Federal Excess Property Request
- 30.05 Establishing, Naming, and Terminating WSU Accounts
- 30.07 Workday Reports (title changed)
- 30.15 Service Centers
- 30.15-Form Service Center Application
- 30.15-Form Service Center Calculation Worksheet
- 30.15-Form Service Center Questionnaire (removed)
- 30.16 Administrative Service Charge
- 30.21 Overdrafts
- 30.30 Nonservice Pay Authorization
- 30.30-Form Nonservice Pay Authorization
- 30.52 WSU Receipts
- 30.52-Form WSU Receipt Inventory Control Sheet
- 30.52-Form WSU Receipt Request
- 30.52-Form Receipt Log Sheet (available from Bursar’s Office)
- 30.52-Form WSU Receipt (available from Bursar’s Office)
- 30.53 Cash Handling
- 30.53-Form Cash Deposit Report (removed)
- 30.54 Revenue Categories (title changed)
- 30.56 Accounts Receivable
- 30.57 Student Financial System (myWSU)
- 30.58 Returned Checks–Prevention and Processing
- 30.59 Cash Registers
- 30.70 Gift Transmittal
- 30.70-Form Auction Bid Gift Transmittal
- 30.70-Form Auction Item Gift Transmittal
- 30.70-Form Courier Service Inserts (removed)
- 30.70-Form Gift Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization
- 30.70-Form Gift Payroll Deduction
- 30.70-Form Gift Records Cover Sheet (new)
- 30.70-Form Gift Transmittal Acknowledgment
- 30.70-Form Golf Tournament Gift Transmittal
- 30.70-Form Noncash Gift Transmittal Acknowledgment
- 30.70-Form Noncash Multi Gift Transmittal
- 30.90 Departmental Scholarships and Resources Authorization
- 30.95 Special Course Fees
- 30.95-Form WSU Special Course Fee Request
- 40.01 Fiscal Responsibilities for Sponsored Projects
- 40.02 Proposal Processing and Development
- 40.03 Expenditure Deadlines for Sponsored Projects
- 40.07 Research or Conference Request
- 40.07-Form Research or Conference Account Request (removed)
- 40.09 Cost Determination Guidelines
- 40.21 Cash Advances
- 40.21-Form Cash Advance Request (removed)
- 40.23 Sponsored Project Activity Request (removed)
- 40.23-Form Sponsored Project Activity Request (removed)
- 40.25 Facilities and Administrative Indirect Costs (title changed)
- 40.27 Fixed Price Agreements
- 40.33 Cost Share and Match (title changed)
- 40.34 Effort Certification System Overview (removed)
- 40.35 Completing the Effort Certification Report (removed)
- 40.36 Cost Sharing Effort (removed)
- 40.37 Effort Certification (new)
- 45.53 Incentive Payments to Research Participants
- 45.53-Form Record of Distribution and Request for Taxpayer Number and Certificate
- 45.75 Controlled Substances
- 50.07 Equipment Damage or Loss
- 60.38-Form Departure Notice
- 70.01 General Purchasing Information
- 70.02 Expenditure Authority (removed)
- 70.02-Form Expenditure Authority Delegation (removed)
- 70.03 Allowable Purchases
- 70.04 Fiscal Year End Expenditure Deadlines
- 70.05 Interdepartmental Requisition and Invoice (IRI)
- 70.05-Form Interdepartmental Requisition and Invoice (IRI)
- 70.06 Interdepartmental Blanket Requisitions
- 70.07 Department Orders (removed)
- 70.08 Procurement Card (title changed)
- 70.08-Form Departmental Monthly Log Sheet (removed)
- 70.08-Form Purchasing Card Application (removed)
- 70.08-Form Missing Document Affidavit
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Change Request (title changed)
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Check-Out Log Sheet (title changed)
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Temporary Delegation (title changed)
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Use Exception Request – Contract (new)
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Use Exception Request – Entertainment (new)
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Use Exception Request – Gift Cards (new)
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Use Exception Request – Group Travel or Activity Expense (new)
- 70.08-Form Procurement Card Use Exception Request – Restricted (new)
- 70.08-Form Restricted Purchase Template (new)
- 70.09 Expenditure Objects and Subobjects (removed)
- 70.10 Departmental Requisitions
- 70.10-Form Departmental Requisition (removed)
- 70.11 Relations with Suppliers and Supplier Representatives (title changed)
- 70.12 Trade-Ins
- 70.13 Buying Through Purchasing Services
- 70.14 Receipt, Inspection, and Acceptance of Purchased Goods
- 70.16 Payments to Outside Suppliers (title changed)
- 70.18 Using Registered Student Organization (RSO) Accounts
- 70.19 Supplier Contract Purchases (title changed)
- 70.20 Confirming Purchases and Employee Purchase Reimbursements
- 70.21 Contracts and Leases for Goods and Services
- 70.23 Purchasing Used Equipment from Outside Suppliers (title change)
- 70.24 Acquisition of Computer Equipment, Services, or Software
- 70.26 Purchasing Published Materials
- 70.27 Acquiring and Photocopier
- 70.27 Contractor Fact Sheet (removed)
- 70.27 Photocopier Equipment Request (removed)
- 70.29 Ordering Alcoholic Beverages
- 70.31 Buying Meals and Refreshments
- 70.31-Form Request to Serve Food
- 70.32 Renting Non-Public Facilities for Meetings
- 70.33 Using Discretionary FN057 Accounts (title changed)
- 70.35 University Stores
- 70.37 Purchasing, Using, and Recycling Multipurpose Paper
- 70.39 Purchasing Advertisements
- 70.40 Vehicle Acquisition and Disposal
- 70.42 Tax Exemption Certification
- 70.42-Form Tax Exemption Certification (removed)
- 70.44 Gift Cards and Cash Equivalents Purchase and Use
- 70.50 Personal Services Contracts
- 70.60 Laboratory Relocation Expenses
- 80.05 Printing Services
- 80.15 Shipping Services
- 80.16 Payment for Shipping Services at Pullman
- 80.21 Interdepartmental Mail
- 80.24 Outgoing Mail
- 80.28 Freight Discounting Program
- 80.58 Funding Departmental and Research Project Equipment Maintenance
- 80.87 Emergency Ride Home
- 85.33 Accessing Workday Modules (title changed)
- 85.33-Form Administrative Information Systems Access Request (removed)
- 85.37 Network Services Account Request
- 85.37-Form Network Services Account Request
- 85.39 Telephone Network Installation and Repair
- 85.41 Toll Call Authorization
- 85.42 ITS Online Customer Statements
- 85.48-Form Business Objects Data Warehouse Access Request
- 85.48-Form OBIEE Data Warehouse Access Request
- 90.06 Release of Student Educational Records
- 95.01 Travel Management
- 95.01-Form Travel Authority (removed)
- 95.03 University Travel Charge Card
- 95.03-Form Travel Charge Card Application
- 95.04 Managing Central Travel Accounts
- 95.04-Form Central Travel Account Log Sheet (removed)
- 95.05 Travel Cash Advance
- 95.05-Form Guarantee for Advance of Funds to Nonemployee Student (new)
- 95.06 Meals and Lodging
- 95.07 Transportation
- 95.08 Miscellaneous Travel Expenses
- 95.11 Privately Owned Vehicles
- 95.12 Rental Cars
- 95.13 Student Travel
- 95.14 Applicant Travel
- 95.15 Foreign Travel
- 95.16 Travel Payments from Third Parties
- 95.17 Travel for Personal Convenience
- 95.18 Illness or Injury While on Travel Status
- 95.19 Travel Rates
- 95.20 Travel Expense Reimbursement
- 95.20-Form_Receipt Affidavit
- 95.21 Direct Deposit of Travel and Accounts Payable Reimbursements
- 95.25 Speaker Travel and Speaker Fees
- 95.30 Privately-Owned Rented or Chartered Aircraft
- 95.35 Motor Pool
- 95.35-Form Vehicle Request Justification
- 95.35-Form Vehicle Release Authorization (removed)
- 95.37 Fuel Credit Cards
- 95.37-Form Fuel Card Application
- 95.37-Form Fuel Card Change Request
- 95.37-Form Fuel Card Custodian Agreement
- 95.37 Appendix 1 Comdata Reconciliation Report Instructions
- 95.37 Appendix 2 Comdata Transaction Detail Report Instructions
- 95.45 Fly America Act
- 95.45-Form_Certification of Exception to Fly American Act
- ASWSU Nonservice Pay Authorization
- ASWSU Global Nonservice Pay Authorization
- Student Media Pay Authorization form