Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 70: Purchasing

Acquiring a Photocopier

BPPM 70.27

For more information contact:
   Purchasing Services
   509-335-3541 /

1.0   Overview

Purchasing Services coordinates photocopier acquisitions for University departments.

2.0   Procedures

2.1   Selecting Equipment

The requesting department may select equipment from the state contract suppliers. WSU Pullman departments may also select equipment through CougPrints Plus under the Peace of Mind Program.

2.1.a   State Contract Suppliers

Catalog, pricing, and contact information for applicable state contract copier suppliers is available from Purchasing Services.

2.1.b   CougPrints Plus Peace of Mind Program

See CougPrints Plus Peace of Mind Program for more information.

2.2   Suppliers’ Proposals

Upon request, Purchasing Services provides approved supplier contact information to departmental personnel by e-mail.

Departments are to request written supplier proposals which include a “cost per copy” rate based upon the contract term. If the department is making an outright purchase, the cost per copy calculations are to be based upon a useful life of six years. Cost per copy includes all expenses except paper.

The supplier’s proposal is to be dated, signed, and on letterhead. The proposal is to include reference to the supplier’s specific contract number for pricing, terms, and conditions.

2.2.a   Recommendation Accepted

If the department accepts the University Marketing and Communications written recommendation, the department works solely with University Marketing and Communications as the service provider. The department does not submit an online Copier Equipment Contract form to Purchasing Services.

2.2.b   Recommendation Not Accepted

If the department elects not to accept the University Marketing and Communications written recommendation, the department prepares a written justification for declining the recommendation. This written response is to include the department’s justification for not utilizing the University’s centralized copy services. The department includes a copy of the written justification and the University Marketing and Communications recommendation with the acquisition documentation submitted to Purchasing Services.

2.3   Documentation Submittal to Purchasing Services

The department prepares the acquisition documentation for submittal to Purchasing Services.

The acquisition request includes the following:

  • A copy of a completed and electronically submitted Contract Request form. 
  • A completed and approved requisition for the purchase, rental, lease, or capital lease agreement, which includes all maintenance, parts, and supplies, excluding paper. See BPPM 70.10 and the Workday Create Requisition reference guide for further information.

    Note: If the agreement replaces a previous contract with another supplier, include the old supplier contract number with the requisition.

  • Written proposals from suppliers.
  • If applicable, the memorandum declining the University Marketing and Communications recommendation (WSU Pullman only). Include the written recommendation from University Marketing and Communications.

Attach the documentation to the Workday Requisition to be routed to Purchasing Services. See the Workday Create Requisition reference guide.

2.4   Rental/Lease

Rentals and leases differ based on cost and the ability to request early termination of the contract. Leases cost less, but may be terminated early only for non-appropriation of funds. Rentals cost more and are typically for shorter periods of time.

For accounting purposes, a department includes the costs of the photocopier in SC00085 or SC00096. The agreement can only be accomplished by a 48-month or less rental or lease contract.

2.4.a   Early Termination Fee

The department is charged a fee of four times the monthly base rate for early termination of a rental contract for reasons other than non-appropriation of funding or supplier default.

2.4.b   Capital Lease

A five-year rental is defined as a capital lease and accounted for in object 06 when the agreement meets any one of the following criteria:

  • The present value of lease payments is equal to 90 percent or more of the value of the equipment.
  • The term of the lease extends for 75 percent of the useful life of the equipment (five years).
  • The lease provides for a “bargain purchase option” at the end of the lease.
  • The lease provides for transfer of ownership.

2.5   Maintenance and Supplies

Maintenance and supplies are covered as part of a rental contract. However, maintenance and supplies are not part of a lease or purchase contract and are usually covered in a separate agreement. As such, the department is to submit a second Departmental Requisition for the maintenance agreement.

Usually, the maintenance agreement is billed quarterly. The agreement usually includes a base rate and cost per copy rate and begins after any applicable warranty expires.

2.6   Evaluation

Purchasing Services evaluates the request to ensure conformance with all applicable copier contracts and other state regulations.

If all criteria comply, Purchasing Services consummates the photocopier contract.

2.7   Power Source/Ventilation

Departments are advised to consult with Facilities Services, Operations regarding facility needs, e.g., power and ventilation, prior to purchase or lease.

Revisions:  Oct. 2023 (Rev 616); Jan. 2021 (Rev. 560); Mar. 2004 (Rev. 242); Sept. 1990 (Rev. 83).