Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 70: Purchasing

Ordering Alcoholic Beverages

BPPM 70.29

For more information contact:
   Purchasing Services


Alcoholic beverages may be purchased with University funds if established University and state of Washington procedures are followed (see also Executive Policy 20).

Note: If an event is held out-of-state for which alcohol is purchased with University funds, that state’s procedures for purchasing and serving alcoholic beverages must be followed, in addition to established University procedures.


Only the following types of accounts, with indicated limitations, may be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.

  • Conference accounts. Only the conference account designated to pay costs of the event may be charged for the alcoholic beverages. Any income must be deposited back into that account.
  • Discretionary funds accounts. If the expenditure is from a discretionary account, the item purchased must conform with the donor’s intent as documented on an Establishment of Fund form (see BPPM 30.75).
  • Agency, WSU Foundation, or Alumni Relations accounts.
  • Other accounts if the beverage is to be used for food preparation, e.g., state-supported accounts.
  • Special course fees accounts. Special course fee accounts are charged if the beverage is to be used as part of the curriculum and is approved by the Special Course Fee Committee (see BPPM 30.95).


After obtaining approval of the unit or campus administrator responsible for the location where the event occurs, University personnel may interact directly with the Washington State Liquor Cannabis Board (WSLCB) and supplier to obtain permits, licenses, and beverages.

Note: Alcohol is prohibited in the workplace (WAC 296-800-11025) with the following exceptions:

  • The event takes place before or after work hours.
  • Employees are not required or ordered by their employer to attend the event.
  • Employees are not compensated for any of their time while attending the event, except when the event is part of the curriculum.
Student Affairs

Student Affairs units or related student services units follow this procedure, but also obtain approval from the campus Student Affairs office before purchasing licenses/permits and beverages. Contact the applicable campus’ designated financial services office for the campus Student Affairs office’s approval procedures.

For the purposes of this section, the designated student organization financial services offices are:

  • WSU Everett Student Affairs; telephone 425-405-1751; 915 North Broadway, Room 224.
  • WSU Pullman Registered Student Organizations (RSO) Financial Services Office; telephone 509-335-1085; room CUB G60.
  • WSU Spokane Student Affairs; telephone 509-358-7526; room Academic Center Suite 130.
  • WSU Tri-Cities Office of Student Affairs; telephone 509-372-7104; room West 269.
  • WSU Vancouver Office of Student Involvement; telephone 360-546-9530; room VFSC 118.


All income relating to the sale or use of alcoholic beverages is accounted for in accordance with receipting and depositing procedures in BPPM 30.52 and 30.53.


The unit administrator designates a custodian to be responsible for stored alcoholic beverages. The custodian ensures that alcoholic beverages are stored in a secure, preferably locked, location. Excess alcoholic beverages not used at an event are to be closely monitored and controlled.


Obtaining the permits and purchasing the beverages are separate aspects of sponsoring an event. This section first describes how to obtain the required permits/licenses (see State Permits/Licenses) and then describes how to purchase beverages (see Purchasing Alcoholic Beverages below). This section describes how to carry out the following:

  • Obtain the required permits/licenses
  • Purchase beverages
  • Handle unused beverages after an event

State Permits / Licenses

State of Washington permits/licenses are required if alcoholic beverages are served at University events. Units are to refer to the WSLCB for complete information regarding rules and restrictions. Information is available from WSLCB Special Licenses and Permits.


Units must complete the appropriate WSLCB form to obtain state approval to serve or sell liquor.

Permit to Serve Liquor

A WSLCB-issued banquet permit authorizes the service and consumption of liquor at a private, invitation-only banquet or organized gathering in a public place or club at a specified date and place.


The following restrictions apply to a banquet permit:

  • Attendance must be by invitation only. The event may not be open or advertised to the general public.
  • The event may not be for business promotion purposes.
  • Liquor may not be served to anyone who appears intoxicated or is under 21 years of age.
  • Intoxicated persons or those under 21 years of age may not drink or possess liquor during the event.
  • All liquor must be purchased from a retail entity at retail price, and must be consumed between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. (WAC 314-11-070)
  • The sale of liquor by the drink is prohibited. However, “package deals” are allowed that may include the cost of dinner, liquor, and entertainment.
  • Tickets exchangeable for drinks may be issued as part of the package price. Note: No separate or additional charge may be made for liquor.

For further information, contact the WSLCB Licensing Customer Service desk; telephone 360-664-1600, or refer to WSLCB Banquet Permits FAQ.

License to Sell Liquor

A special occasion license for a nonprofit society or organization authorizes a society or organization to sell individual services of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption at a special occasion on a specified date, time, and place.


The following restrictions apply to a special occasion license:

  • Spirituous liquor must be purchased from a Washington State liquor, beer, or wine distributor or retailer.
  • Special occasion licensees may not advertise or sell beer, wine, or spirits below cost.
  • Manufacturers or distributors may not provide goods or services to special occasion licensees, except as follows:
    • Draft beer dispensing equipment
    • Advertising services
    • Wine pouring or dispensing services
    • Event judging
  • Special occasion licensees may not make awards or gifts of liquor.
  • Liquor may not be sold or served to anyone who appears intoxicated or is under 21 years of age.
  • Intoxicated persons or those under 21 years of age may not drink or possess liquor during the event.
  • If the event is held at liquor-licensed premises, the licensed liquor entity may not sell or serve its liquor in the room where the event is being held.

For further information, contact the WSLCB Licensing Customer Service desk; telephone 360-664-1600, or refer to WSLCB Special Occasion Licenses.

Permit/License for Each Event

Purchase a separate banquet permit or special occasion license for each event at which alcoholic beverages are served.

Obtaining Banquet Permit

The unit must purchase the banquet permit at least three days before the event. Banquet permits are available to order from WSLCB Banquet Permits FAQ.

A procurement card must be used to obtain the online banquet permit. The WSLCB accepts only credit or debit cards for this service.

Note: Procurement cards may not be used to purchase special occasion licenses.

A state-supported account may not be used to purchase a banquet permit.

Banquet Permit Application

A WSU administrator or employee completes the online permit application. The information below is required to complete the permit application:

  • Name of department
  • Name, telephone number, e-mail address, and home address of the person responsible for arrangements
  • Date, beginning time, and ending time for the occasion
  • Location of the event, including address, building, and room number
  • Purpose of occasion
  • Number of attendees
  • Number of attendees under age 21
  • Whether or not attendees will bring their own liquor
  • Name, address, and telephone number of caterer (if event is catered)
WSU Approval

A WSU unit administrator responsible for the location where the event occurs signs the permit application. The unit administrator may authorize a subordinate employee to sign the form.

Permit Issued and Posted

The WSLCB issues the banquet permit to the WSU unit. The unit displays the permit at the event.

Obtaining Special Occasion License

To assure that the documentation arrives at the WSLCB at least 30 days in advance as required by Board regulations, begin the purchasing process at least 45 days before the event. Special occasion license applications are available from WSLCB Special Occasion Licenses.

Units must initiate a Requisition in Workday to purchase special occasion licenses (see BPPM 70.10). Units may not use procurement cards to purchase special occasion licenses or alcoholic beverages.

Possession of License

The applicant must be in possession of the special occasion license before alcoholic beverages may be purchased for resale.


Create a Requisition in Workday. (See the Workday Create Requisition reference guide.)

  • The license cost is $60 per day, per location.
  • Indicate the Washington State Liquor Cannabis Board as vendor.
  • Indicate the applicant’s name and telephone number. The Controller’s Office contacts the indicated person when the check is ready.

If the applicant works for a WSU Pullman department, they pick up the check from the Check Distribution Section of the Controller’s Office. If the applicant works for a non-Pullman department, the Controller’s Office sends the check to their department.

License Application

A WSU administrator or employee completes the application. The following information is required to complete the indicated numbered lines on the license application:

  • Name and address of department. (1-2)
  • The organization’s UBI or tax identification number. Note: to obtain WSU’s UBI or tax identification number, contact the Controller’s Office; telephone 509-335-2022. (3)
  • Name, telephone number, date of birth, e-mail, and title of an employee/officer in the department or organization. (4)
  • Whether the department or organization has previously held a special occasion license. If so, that license number. (5)
  • Name of event and website address. (6)
  • Event location address, building, and room number, whether it will be held indoors or outdoors, and if it is inside or outside city limits. (7-9)
  • Whether or not the event is being held on church or school property, a military facility, or on liquor licensed premises. If so, name and signature of person authorized to sign on behalf of premises being used. (10)
  • Total number of attendees, and number of attendees under age 21. (11)
  • Time(s) and date(s) of the event, and description of event. (12)
  • Whether or not spirits, beer, or wine will be auctioned or sold for off-premises consumption. (13)
  • Whether any wineries, breweries, or distilleries are participating in the event. If so, the business names. (14)
  • Description of any product or goods donated to the event from a winery, brewery, distillery, distributor, or retailer. (15)
  • How monies from event will be distributed (16)
  • Name, address, and contact information of the person that the license is to be mailed to. (17)
  • The approving administrator/employee signs and dates the form.
WSU Approval

A WSU unit administrator responsible for the location where the event occurs signs the license application. The unit administrator may authorize a subordinate employee to sign the form.

License Issued and Posted

The WSLCB issues the special occasion license to the WSU unit. The unit displays the license at the event.

Purchasing Alcoholic Beverages

When purchasing alcoholic beverages for consumption at private events or for cooking, a department may create a Requisition in Workday, or use the confirming requisition procedures in BPPM 70.20 if Purchasing Services has granted prior approval.


Create a Requisition in Workday (see BPPM 70.10). (Do not use a direct buy procedure, such as a procurement card, Purchase Order, or an existing Supplier Contract.)

Include quantities, prices, and descriptions on the Requisition. (Estimates for prices and totals are acceptable.) Enter the telephone number of an individual for Purchasing Services personnel to contact when the Purchase Order is ready. Indicate if the alcohol is to be used for cooking.

For non-Pullman departments, also enter the campus building and room number or mailing address.

Route the completed Requisition to Purchasing Services in Workday. See the Workday Create Requisition reference guide.

Purchase Order

Purchasing Services prepares a Purchase Order (field order), which may be used to obtain the beverages on a charge basis. Purchasing Services notifies the contact individual indicated on the Requisition when the Purchase Order is ready.

WSU Pullman Departments

WSU Pullman department personnel pick up the Purchase Order from Purchasing Services.

Department personnel who are at least 21 years old take the Purchase Order to the vendor and purchase the beverage.

Non-Pullman Department

For non-Pullman purchasers, Purchasing Services sends the Purchase Order to the department.

Department personnel who are at least 21 years old take the Purchase Order to the vendor and purchase the beverage.

Restriction on Out-of-State Purchases

If an event held in the state of Washington requires the use of either a banquet permit or special occasion license, the alcohol must be purchased in the state of Washington. (See State Permits/Licenses.)

Unused Alcoholic Beverages

Returning Unused Alcoholic Beverages

Departments may return remaining unopened bottles of beer, wine, and/or spirituous liquor originally purchased for an event, if the retailer it was purchased from will allow returns for alcoholic beverages. Return policies vary, so it may be necessary to telephone the retailer in advance to confirm that they offer refunds for returned beverages.

Request an itemized receipt for the returned alcohol.

Deposit the Money

Deposit the refund as a recovery of expenditure to the account that originally paid for the beverage. Follow deposit procedures in BPPM 30.53. Include the refund receipt with the deposit documentation.

Storing Unused Alcoholic Beverages

After the event, the department may store remaining unopened bottles of beer, wine, and/or spirituous liquor. The department custodian must ensure that the unopened alcoholic beverage bottles are stored in a secure, preferably locked, location. Excess alcoholic beverages not used at an event are to be closely monitored and controlled.

New Permit or License

The department must apply for a new permit or license in order to serve the remaining alcoholic beverages at another event held at a later date.

Revisions:  Jan. 2021 (Rev. 560); Feb. 2020 (Rev. 542); Nov. 2015 (Rev. 461); June 2010 (Rev. 361); May 1998 (Rev. 121); May 1997 (Rev. 103); Mar. 1987 (Rev. 66); July 1986 – new policy (Rev. 64).