Business Policies and Procedures Manual Revisions
(Contact PRF for revision announcements prior to year 2016.)
Revision Date | Section Title | Revision # |
10/04/2024 | Travel Rates | 633 |
08/23/2024 | Expenditure Transfers Between Funding Sources; Bookstore Services; University Travel Charge Card | 632 |
07/31/2024 | Organizational Conflict of Interest | 631 |
07/08/2024 | Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operation; Campus Security Authority Designation and Communication; Clery Geography Assessment Policy; Timely Warnings and Emergency Notification Policy; Performance Management Evaluations; Interdepartmental Mail | 630 |
06/12/2024 | Consensual Romantic or Sexual Relationships Between Faculty, Staff, and/or Students; Nepotism | 629 |
05/31/2024 | Layoff–Civil Service Employees | 628 |
05/22/2024 | Improper Governmental Actions (Whistleblower Program); Release of Public Records | 627 |
05/06/2024 | Chairs and Professorships | 626 |
04/29/2024 | Maintaining a Professional Workplace; Death of an Employee or Student; Courier Services | 625 |
04/12/2024 | Internal Rule-Making Procedures | 624 |
03/05/2024 | Shipping Services | 623 |
01/30/2024 | Property Inventory; Temporary Employment Program; Academic Media and Technology Services | 622 |
01/16/2024 | Travel Rates | 621 |
12/06/2023 | Security Screening and Metal Detection; Firearms Authorization; Release of Public Records | 620 |
11/30/23 | International Travel Policy | 619 |
10/31/23 | Exterior Signage; Temporary Signage; Recycling and Waste Minimization; Meals and Lodging; Miscellaneous Travel Expenses | 618 |
10/16/23 | Unrecorded Funds in WSU Bank Accounts | 617 |
10/12/2023 | Acquiring a Photocopier; Personal Services Contract | 616 |
10/02/2023 | Trave Rates | 615 |
09/18/23 | Video Security Systems--WSU Pullman; Volunteers; Children in the Workplace | 614 |
08/17/2023 | Use of Resources to Support a Charity, Charitable Organization, or Charitable Purpose; Recruitment and Selection of Administrative Professional Personnel; Cyclic-Year Positions for Classified Employees; Teleworking; Protected Health Information Risk Assessment | 613 |
06/07/2023 | Acceptance and Management of Equity in WSU IP-Based Startup Companies; Research and Teaching Activities Involving Animals | 612 |
05/17/2023 | Tracking Departmental Expenditures; Certificate of Insurance | 611 |
03/30/2023 | General Purchasing Information; Accessing Workday Modules; Network Services Account Request; Data Warehouse Access | 610 |
01/25/2023 | Vehicle Acquisition and Disposal | 609 |
01/17/2023 | WSU Organization | 608 |
01/13/2023 | Travel Rates | 607 |
01/12/2023 | Property Inventory; Surplus Property | 606 |
12/22/2022 | Forms Index | 605 |
12/20/2022 | Summary of Ethics Law and Policies; Possible Ethics Violations; Use of Resources to Support a Charity, Charitable Organization, or Charitable Purpose; Personal Use of University Resources | 604 |
12/01/2022 | BPPM Introduction | 603 |
11/21/2022 | Property Inventory; Sale or Move of Surplus Equipment | 602 |
10/28/2022 | University Records Retention and Disposition | 601 |
10/11/2022 | Travel Rates | 600 |
10/05/2022 | Proposal Processing and Development; Tuition Waivers; Role-Based Access to Protected Health Information | 599 |
09/06/2022 | Travel Rates | 598 |
08/09/2022 | Withholding Federal and State Income Taxes; Payment Upon Separation of Employment | 597 |
07/11/2022 | Travel Rates | 596 |
06/08/2022 | University Records Retention tables; Funds Transfer Authorization form | 595 |
05/05/2022 | Suspended Operations; WSU Pullman Suspended Operations; WSU Health Sciences Spokane Suspended Operations; WSU Tri-Cities Suspended Operations; WSU Vancouver Suspended Operations; WSU Off-Campus Locations Suspended Operations; WSU Everett Suspended Operations; Privately-Owned Motor Vehicles | 594 |
04/18/2022 | Payment Upon Separation of Employment | 593 |
03/30/2022 | Revenue Categories | 592 |
03/25/2022 | Classification and Reclassification; Administrative Professional Salary Determination and Adjustment; Applicant Travel | 591 |
03/10/2022 | Teleworking | 590 |
03/03/2022 | WSU Information Security Roles, Responsibilities, and Definitions; Information Security Incident Management and Breach Notification; Protected Health Care Information Breach Response; Patient Access to Protected Health Information | 589 |
02/25/2022 | Bookstore Services | 588 |
02/01/2022 | Summary of Ethics Laws and Policies; Possible Ethics Violations; Promotions and Sponsorships; Printing Services | 587 |
01/14/2022 | Departmental Requisition; Courier Services; Minor Construction, Renovation, Remodeling, and Demolition; Accessing Workday Modules and Administrative Information Systems (View Only); Network Services Account Request; Travel Rates | 586 |
01/05/2022 | Faculty Compensation Outside Assigned Duties | 585 |
12/17/2021 | Academic Media and Technology Services | 584 |
12/06/2021 | Building Security and Hours; After-Public-Hours Use of University Buildings; Wireless LAN Management | 583 |
12/03/2021 | Employee Demographics; WSU Holidays | 582 |
12/02/2021 | Form: Gift Transmittal Acknowledgement | 581 |
11/19/2021 | Nonservice Pay Authorization; Funds Transfer of Expense Reimbursements | 580 |
10/15/2021 | Energy Conservation | 579 |
10/01/2021 | Travel Rates | 578 |
09/29/2021 | Cellular Device Allowance Payments; Gift Cards and Cash Equivalents Purchase and Use; University Records--Retention and Disposition | 577 |
09/28/2021 | Layoff--Civil Service Employees | 576 |
09/17/2021 | Research Involving Human Subjects; Relocation Compensation | 575 |
08/11/2021 | Procurement Card | 574 |
07/30/2021 | Cash Awards to WSU Employees; Relocation Compensation; University Purchases from State Employees; Safety Records Retention and Disposition table | 573 |
07/19/2021 | Cellular Device Allowance Payments; Cellular Device Policy | 572 |
07/02/2021 | Recruitment and Selection of Faculty Personnel; Background Checks; Recruitment and Selection of Administrative Professional Personnel; Recruitment and Selection of Classified Positions; Layoff–Civil Service Employees; Faculty and Administrative Professional Personnel Leave; Civil Service Employee Leave; Overtime-Eligible Employees; WSU Holidays | 571 |
06/30/2021 | Teleworking | 570 |
06/24/2021 | Allowable Purchases (By Function) | 569 |
05/20/2021 | Acquiring Equipment Under Federal Agreements; Management of Equipment Acquired Under Federal Agreements; Transferring Research Equipment to Other Institutions | 568 |
05/05/2021 | Institutional Base Salary and Salary Cap; Motor Pool | 567 |
05/03/2021 | Merchandise and Consumable Inventories; Establishing and Terminating Sponsored Accounts | 566 |
04/19/2021 | Incentive payments to Research Participants; Performance Management Evaluations; Tuition Waivers--Fall and Spring Semesters | 565 |
04/02/2021 | Classification and Reclassification; Administrative Professional Salary Determination and Adjustment | 564 |
02/04/2021 | State of Washington Invoice Voucher; Volunteer Monthly Report form | 563 |
01/25/2021 | Gift Accounting | 562 |
01/19/2021 | Travel Rates | 561 |
01/05/2021 | See Revision Memo | 560 |
12/15/2020 | See Revision Memo | 559 |
11/05/2020 | Keys to University Rooms and Bldgs.; Safety and Security Video and Audio Surveillance; Cash Awards for WSU Employees; Gift Cards and Cash Equivalents Purchase and Use | 558 |
10/21/2020 | Faculty and AP Personnel Leave; Civil Service Employee Leave | 557 |
10/01/2020 | Travel Rates | 556 |
09/18/2020 | Management of Equipment Acquired Under Federal Agreements | 555 |
09/10/2020 | University Records--Retention and Disposition | 554 |
08/10/2020 | Cost Determination Guidelines; Form: Distribution Log for Payments of Cash, Gift Cards and Other Cash Equivalents, and Tangible Property; Keys to University Rooms and Buildings | 553 |
07/16/2020 | Information Security Planning; Security Assessment and Authorization; Information Security Risk Assessment; Configuration Management; Wireless Local Area Network Management; System and Information Integrity; Audit and Accountability | 552 |
07/13/2020 | Meals and Lodging | 551 |
07/09/2020 | Institutional Base Salary and Salary Cap; Pesticide Policy Overview; Use of Registered Pesticides; Tuition Waivers--Fall and Spring Semesters | 550 |
06/24/2020 | Information System Account, Identity, and Authentication Management; Mobile Device Management--WSU-Owned Mobile Devices; Mobile Device Management--Personally-Owned Devices | 549 |
06/16/2020 | Layoff-Civil Service Employees | 548 |
06/09/2020 | WSU Information Security Roles, Responsibilities, and Definitions | 547 |
03/24/2020 | Expense Assignment Action | 546 |
03/19/2020 | Use of Washington State University Name and Trademarks | 545 |
03/17/2020 | Staffing During Suspended Operations or Emergency Closures; Faculty and AP Personnel Leave | 544 |
03/13/2020 | Civil Service Leave; Shared Leave | 543 |
02/21/2020 | Ordering Alcoholic Beverages; Rental Cars; Travel Rates | 542 |
01/16/2020 | Processing University Contracts; General Purchasing Information; Using Discretionary 17A Accounts | 541 |
01/07/2020 | Travel Rates | 540 |
12/20/2019 | Open Public Meeting Act Requirements; Workplace Violence; Relocation Compensation; Classification and Reclassification | 539 |
10/29/2019 | E-Signature Policy Overview and General Guidance; Standard E-Signature Use for University Transactions | 538 |
10/23/2019 | Administrative Professional Salary Determination and Adjustment | 537 |
10/01/2019 | Travel Rates | 536 |
08/26/2019 | Tuition Waiver Request form | 535 |
08/01/2019 | Proposal Processing and Development; Personal Services Contracts; University Records--Retention and Disposition; Archival Services; Name and Legal Sex Designation Changes and Name Coding Conventions | 534 |
07/15/2019 | Employee Departure Procedures; Vehicle Acquisition and Disposal; Evidence Preservation; Travel Advance | 533 |
07/02/2019 | Meals and Lodging | 532 |
06/11/2019 | Data Warehouse Access | 531 |
05/01/2019 | International Memorandums of Understanding and Agreements; Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs; Cost Sharing and Matching; Pesticide Policy Overview; Approval to Make Pesticide Recommendations; Use of Registered Pesticides; Experimental Use of Pesticides; Retention of Electronic Communications; Meals and Lodging | 530 |
04/26/2019 | Travel Rates | 529 |
04/02/2019 | Legal Services; Lawsuits Against WSU Personnel | 528 |
02/25/2019 | Relocation Compensation | 527 |
02/07/2019 | Managing Research Records; Travel Management; University Travel Charge Card; Travel Advance | 526 |
01/15/2019 | Fiscal Responsibilities for Sponsored Projects; WSU Holiday Schedule; Travel Expense Reimbursement | 525 |
01/07/2019 | Travel Rates | 524 |
11/07/2018 | CougarCard; Purchasing Advertisements; Release of Public Records; University Name and Address File; Name and Legal Sex Designation Changes and Name Coding Conventions | 523 |
10/12/2018 | International Travel Registry; Employee Registration of International Travel | 522 |
10/08/2018 | Special Course Fees; Certificate of Insurance; Suspended Operations; WSU Everett Inclement Weather Procedures; Relocation Compensation; Laboratory Relocation Expenses | 521 |
10/01/2018 | Travel Rates | 520 |
09/13/2018 | Exterior Signage–WSU Pullman; Nonservice Pay Authorization; Endowed Professorships; Authority of the Attending Veterinarian; Buying Meals or Light Refreshments for Meetings | 519 |
09/05/2018 | General Purchasing Information; Travel Rates | 518 |
07/18/2018 | Property Inventory; Access to University Facilities; Background Checks; Gift Cards and Cash Equivalents Purchase and Use | 517 |
06/14/2018 | Expenditure Transfers Between Funding Sources; Fixed Price Agreements; Completing the Effort Certification Report; Temporary Employment Program; Relations with Vendors and Vendor Representatives; Using Discretionary 17A Accounts; Telephone/Network Installation and Repair; Direct Deposit of Travel and Accounts Payable; Fly America Act | 516 |
06/07/2018 | Steam Tunnel Access | 515 |
05/31/2018 | Use of Washington State University Name and Trademarks; Copyrighting and Marketing Original Material; Recordkeeping and Publication Guidelines for Inventors; Invention Ownership and Disclosure; Income Distribution; Trade-Ins | 514 |
05/01/2018 | Introduction to the BPPM; Using the BPPM; Tracking Departmental Expenditures; Lost and Found | 513 |
04/09/2018 | Toll Call Authorization; ITS Online Customer Statements | 512 |
04/04/2018 | Employment Eligibility Verification--USCIS Form I-9; Telephone Dialing Procedures | 511 |
03/12/2018 | WSU Organization; Moving Services at WSU Pullman | 510 |
02/13/2018 | Printing Services; Miscellaneous Travel Expenses | 509 |
01/30/2018 | Paid Sick Leave for Temporary Hourly Employees; Form: Daily Activity Report for Multiple Accounts | 508 |
01/08/2018 | Acquisition of Computer Equipment, Services, or Software; Travel Rates | 507 |
01/05/2018 | Reporting Daily Activity for Temporary Employees | 506 |
12/20/2017 | Employee Assistance Program | 505 |
11/17/2017 | Organizational Directory; Position Identifying Description (PIDD); Project Employment--Civil Service; Personnel/Position/Payuroll Electronic Routing Management System (PERMS) | 504 |
10/18/2017 | Processing University Contracts | 503 |
10/05/2017 | Departmental Requisition | 502 |
10/02/2017 | Faculty and Administrative Professional Personnel Leave; Form: Leave Report for Overtime-Exempt Faculty and AP Employees | 501 |
09/13/2017 | General Purchasing Information | 500 |
09/12/2017 | Performance Management Evaluations; Fuel Credit Cards | 499 |
08/28/2017 | Revision retracted | 498 |
08/25/2017 | Special Course Fees; Ensuring Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility | 497 |
08/07/2017 | Department Orders; Accessing Administrative Information Systems | 496 |
07/14/2017 | Certificate of Insurance; Layoff—Civil Service Employees; Civil Service Employee Leave; Fiscal Year-End Expenditure Deadlines | 495 |
07/11/2017 | All-University Records Retention and Disposition | 494 |
06/02/2017 | Meals and Lodging | 493 |
05/30/2017 | Workplace Violence; Bullying Prevention and Reporting | 492 |
05/08/2017 | Employee Assistance Program | 491 |
04/20/2017 | Expenditure Transfers Between Funding Sources; Funding Departmental and Research Project Equipment Maintenance | 490 |
04/18/2017 | Proposal Processing and Development | 489 |
04/13/2017 | Position Control—Summary | 488 |
04/03/2017 | Recruitment and Selection of Administrative Professional Personnel | 487 |
03/21/2017 | Travel Rates | 486 |
01/31/2017 | Release of Personnel Records | 485 |
01/03/2017 | Accounts Receivable; Withholding Federal Income Tax (W-4 Form); Relocation Expense Overview; Recycling and Waste Minimization; Travel Rates | 484 |
12/19/2016 | Miscellaneous Travel Expense; Motor Pool | 483 |
11/23/2016 | Cash Advances; Incentive Payments to Research Participants; Travel Expense Voucher | 482 |
10/31/2016 | Time Report for Overtime-Eligible Employees; Travel Rates | 481 |
10/24/2016 | Addressing Pullman Mail; Mailing Services; Interdepartmental Mail; Incoming U.S. Mail; Forwarding Mail; Outgoing Mail; Addressing Foreign Mail | 480 |
10/19/2016 | Relocation Compensation | 479 |
09/21/2016 | Form: Gift Payroll Deduction; Tuition Waivers--Fall and Spring Semesters; Release of Public Records | 478 |
08/29/2016 | Using Discretionary 17A Accounts | 477 |
08/18/2016 | Cash Awards to WSU Employees; University Name and Address File | 476 |
08/04/2016 | Meals and Lodging; Travel Expense Voucher | 475 |
07/28/2016 | Improper Governmental Actions (Whistleblower Act); University Records--Retention and Disposition | 474 |
07/07/2016 | Performance Management Evaluations | 473 |
06/01/2016 | Gift-Funded Capital Projects; Printing Services | 472 |
04/20/2016 | Personnel/Position/Payroll Electronic Routing Management System (PERMS) | 471 |
04/08/2016 | WSU Pullman Campus Beautification and Recognition Program | 470 |
04/06/2016 | Summer Educational Benefits | 469 |
04/05/2016 | Cash Registers; Incentive Payments to Research Participants; University Travel Charge Card | 468 |
03/03/2016 | Release of Public Records | 467 |
02/02/2016 | WSU Holidays; Purchasing, Using, and Recycling Multipurpose Paper | 466 |
01/12/2016 | Fiscal Responsibilities for Grants and Contracts; Cost Determination Guidelines; Facilities and Administrative Costs; Managing Research Records; All-University Records Retention Schedule: Research and Sponsored Projects Records | 465 |
01/08/2016 | CougarCard Commute Trip Reduction; Travel Rates | 464 |