Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 20: Property
Contaminated Surplus Property
(Appendix 5D: Lasers)
BPPM 20.77
For more information contact:
Surplus Stores
Form: Item Evaluation
Lasers may contain hazardous materials such as a compressed gas or dye. The department should disconnect the compressed gas cylinder and remove the dye prior to shipping or transferring the laser. Hazardous materials must be properly managed as waste and not placed in the trash, poured down the drain, or released into the atmosphere. See SPPM 5.66 regarding disposal of hazardous waste.
See SPPM 4.50 for further information regarding lasers.
Prior to shipment or transfer of a laser, the department must complete the following:
- Disable the laser
- Remove hazardous materials from the laser
- Ensure that the classification label (i.e., Class II, Class IIIA, Class IIIB, or Class IV) is intact
- Attach a completed Item Evaluation form listing the presence and location of any hazardous materials or components.
User Instructions/Manual
The selling department should provide the potential buyer with any user instruction or operation manual which is regularly supplied with the product.
If the selling department modified the laser and the modifications affect any aspect of the equipment’s performance or intended function, the individual who modified the laser must recertify and reidentify the laser before sale is permitted.
For questions and assistance, contact Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S); telephone 509-335-3041.
Report to EH&S
Surplus Stores must provide a copy of the Surplus Property Report form to EH&S when transactions involve the surplusing of lasers.
Revisions: See BPPM 20.77 revision history.