Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 60: Personnel
Rental of University Apartments to WSU Employees
BPPM 60.75
For more information contact:
Housing Services
Student Priority
The first priority for the University Apartments unit of Housing Services is to house WSU students. If space is available after all student housing assignments have been made, permanent and temporary employees may be assigned University apartments.
Permanent Employees
Housing Services may assign University apartments to newly arrived, permanent WSU employees for a reasonable time if apartments are available.
Temporary Employees
Housing Services may assign University apartments to newly arrived, temporary WSU employees if apartments are available.
Personnel in the following employee groups are considered temporary employees:
- U.S. military personnel on duty at WSU.
- Foreign nationals employed at WSU.
- Post-doctoral fellows employed at WSU.
Revisions: March 2015 (Rev. 447); Aug. 2001 (Rev. 194); Mar. 1990 (Rev. 80); Mar. 1976 – new policy (Rev. 8).