Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 80: Services

Academic Media and Technology Services

BPPM 80.13

For more information contact:
  Campus Academic Media and Technology Department

1.0   Services

Each of the six campuses in the WSU system is responsible for the functions listed below. Campuses work collaboratively to ensure technological interoperability and uniformity of service as needed for a high-quality student experience.

Each campus provides the following services:

  • Technical support personnel for troubleshooting various technologies, including those in classroom learning spaces.
  • Faculty training and support for various learning spaces and media conversions.
  • Coordination of assistive technologies.
  • Videoconference/web conference (Zoom, Teams, etc.) education and training support.
  • Learning management (Canvas) course design support and coordination.
  • Lecture capture support (e.g., Panopto) and other video services (e.g., academic videography).

Other campus functions include:

  • Event support
  • Digital signage support

1.1   WSU Everett

Website – WSU Everett ITS Services Technical Support and Assistance

Technical Support

E-mail Everett IT Support; telephone 425-405-1555.

Scheduling for Academic Use

To schedule classrooms for academic use, contact the Everett Registrar’s Office; e-mail the Everett Registrar; telephone 425-405-1714.

Scheduling for Nonacademic Use

To schedule classrooms for nonacademic use, contact the Everett Administration Office; e-mail Everett Room Rentals; telephone 425-405-1600.

1.2   WSU Global

Website – WSU Learning Innovations

Technical Support

Global Campus Support; e-mail Academic Outreach and Innovation; telephone 509-335-5044.


Global Campus Registrar; e-mail the Global Campus Registrar; telephone 800-222-4978.

1.3   WSU Pullman

Website – WSU Learning Innovations

Classroom/Technical Support

Pullman Classroom Support; e-mail Pullman Integrated Academic Technologies; telephone 509-335-5044.


For scheduling classrooms for academic or nonacademic use, contact the Pullman Registrar’s Office; e-mail the Registrar; telephone 509-335-5346.

1.4   WSU Spokane

Education Technology

Website: WSU Spokane Educational Technology

Spokane Classroom Support; e-mail Instructional Technology; telephone 509-368-6770.

Technical Support

Website: WSU Spokane Technical Support Center

Spokane Technical Support; e-mail Information Technology; telephone 509-358-7748.

Scheduling – Campus Room Directory

Website: WSU Spokane Campus Room Directory

Scheduling for Academic Use

Website: WSU Spokane Campus Room Scheduling

For scheduling classrooms for academic use, contact:
   – Academic Scheduling; e-mail Academic Scheduling; telephone 509-368-6955
   – Spokane Registrar’s Office; e-mail the WSU Spokane Registrar; telephone 509-358-7530

Scheduling for Nonacademic Use

For scheduling rooms for nonacademic use, e-mail Non-Academic Events; telephone 509-358-7536.

Scheduling for Non-WSU Events

Website: WSU Spokane Communications

For non-WSU events space requests; e-mail Non-WSU Events Space Requests; telephone 509-358-7504.

1.5   WSU Tri-Cities

Technical Support

Website: WSU Tri-Cities Integrated Academic Technology

Integrated Academic Technology (IAT) Helpdesk
    – E-mail: Integrated Academic Technology
    – Zoom:
    – Telephone 509-372-7203

Scheduling for Academic Use

For scheduling classrooms for academic use, contact the Tri-Cities Registrar’s Office; e-mail the Tri-Cities Registrar; telephone 509-372-7351.

Scheduling for Nonacademic Use

Schedule classrooms for nonacademic use at WSU Tri-Cities Event and Meeting Space Request.

1.6   WSU Vancouver

Technical Support

Website: WSU Vancouver Academic Services

Information Technology (IT) Helpdesk; telephone 360-546-9770.

Videoconference support; telephone 360-546-9033.

Scheduling for Academic Use

Website: WSU Vancouver Registrar’s Office

For scheduling classrooms for academic use, contact the Vancouver Registrar’s Office; e-mail the Vancouver Registrar; telephone 360-546-9565.

Scheduling for Nonacademic Use

Website: WSU Vancouver Events Office

For scheduling classrooms for nonacademic use, e-mail the Vancouver Events Office; telephone 360-546-9588.

Revisions:  Jan. 2024 (Rev. 622); Dec. 2021 (Rev. 584); Feb. 2007 (Rev. 293); Nov. 2001 (Rev. 196); June 2001 (Rev. 187); Dec. 1999 (Rev. 153); Mar. 1987 (Rev. 66); Mar. 1985 – new policy (Rev. 59).