Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 80: Services

Building Coordinators at WSU Pullman

BPPM 80.78

For more information contact:
   Facilities Services


Each building at WSU Pullman is to have a designated coordinator who serves as a primary communication and coordination point for the building.

See Responsibilities of Building Coordinators below for specific building coordinator responsibilities.

The building coordinator is selected in accordance with the procedures and criteria under Selection below.

Program Responsibilities

Facilities Services has primary responsibility for administering the building coordinator program. Other building service providers that cooperate and assist with program administration include Environmental Health and Safety, Public Safety, Emergency Management, Information Services, Housing Maintenance, and Dining Services.

Responsibilities for program administration include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing initial and periodic training to building coordinators.
  • Conducting periodic communication forums with building coordinators regarding current issues of interest.
  • Maintaining a building coordinator website providing: a current list of building coordinators, a list of building services and links to service providers, links to project and service requests, and other resource information.
  • Keeping each building coordinator informed of work to be performed in the building.

Responsibilities of Building Coordinators

Each building coordinator is responsible for the following building-related functions.


Participating in ongoing building coordinator training.

Building Liaison

  • Assisting in communicating information to occupants regarding building issues, e.g., repair and renovation projects, utility service shutdowns, environmental and safety issues, scheduling.
  • Maintaining a list of emergency contact information related to special equipment that may be adversely affected by utility emergencies.
  • Maintaining information regarding instructional resources available in the building, e.g., classrooms, teaching laboratories, instructional technology, and instructional equipment.
  • Promoting energy management and conservation among building occupants.


  • Assisting with general building emergency preparedness planning. Planning topics may include lockdown, evacuation, reporting, and responding.
  • Assisting with coordination of safety education, training, and drills for building occupants.
  • Serving as a liaison with neighboring or related buildings regarding emergency preparedness issues.


Selection of building coordinators is conducted in accordance with the following guidelines.

Single Unit

If a single department or college occupies the building, the administrative head makes the appointment.

Multiple Units

If more than one department or college occupies the building the selection is based on one of the following:

  • The largest unit, based upon assigned square footage, appoints the building coordinator.
  • The unit with the highest level administrative office housed in the building appoints the building coordinator.
  • By agreement.


Those selecting building coordinators selection are to consider the following:

  • A candidate’s work location in proximity to the building.
  • A candidate’s familiarity with the building, occupants, special equipment, laboratories, research areas, and unique features.
  • A candidate’s familiarity with hazardous operations or hazardous materials that may be used in the building.
  • A candidate’s familiarity with various service providers supporting the building and the providers’ respective points of contact.

Revisions:  June 2014 – new section (Rev. 432).