Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 80: Services
Neighborhood Vehicles
BPPM 80.92 | New 7-13
For more information contact:
Motor Pool
Neighborhood Vehicles
A neighborhood vehicle is defined as a self-propelled, electronic, diesel, or gasoline powered four-wheeled vehicle that is capable of attaining a speed of, but not greater than, 25 miles per hour. Such a vehicle must conform to federal regulations for low speed vehicles (see 49 CFR 571.500) and be compliant with state requirements for registration and license plates (see RCW 46.16A.030).
Washington State University allows the use of certain approved neighborhood vehicles, limited to streets on the University campuses. Use of these vehicles off campus is strictly prohibited.
Neighborhood vehicle models used on University streets must be approved in advance by the applicable campus motor pool department, the applicable campus public safety department, Risk Management, and/or Purchasing Services. Motor Pool coordinates this approval process at WSU Pullman.
Non-Pullman locations are responsible for choosing the types, styles, and maintenance of vehicles used at the locations.
Each approved vehicle is to be equipped with the following:
- Legal tires
- Head lamps
- Stop lights
- Front and rear turn signals
- Reflex reflectors (items which emit no light, but instead reflect incident light back toward the light source, e.g., another car’s headlights).
- A horn
- Windshield wipers
- Backup lights
- Exterior mirrors mounted on both sides.
- Interior mirror
- Parking brake
- A windshield conforming to 49 CFR 571.205.
- A vehicle identification number (VIN) that conforms to 49 CFR 565.
- Seat belt assemblies conforming to 49 CFR 571.209.
- Flashing strobe light on the cab
- Back up warning device
Purchase, Rental, and/or Maintenance
Purchasing Services and the applicable campus motor pool department are responsible for the following:
- Purchasing or overseeing the rental of any neighborhood vehicles for use at the applicable campus.
Note: University departments or organizations other than motor pool departments are not permitted to purchase neighborhood vehicles. - Making the vehicles available to University departments or agencies for rent on a daily or long-term basis.
WSU Pullman
Motor Pool is the responsible neighborhood vehicle purchasing department at WSU Pullman. In addition to the functions listed above, Motor Pool is responsible for performing all required maintenance and inspections of neighborhood vehicles used at the Pullman campus.
WSU Motor Pool has a limited number of approved neighborhood vehicles for daily and long-term rental at the Pullman campus. See Motor Pool for scheduling and rental rates.
Motor Pool pays for all repairs to daily and long-term WSU rental plan vehicles at the Pullman campus (see BPPM 95.35).
Non-Pullman Locations
Non-Pullman units may contact Purchasing Services and the applicable campus motor pool department regarding rental of neighborhood vehicles (see also BPPM 95.35).
Non-Pullman locations are responsible for determining the types of vehicles used at the campuses and the applicable approval authorities.
Non-Pullman locations use local vendors to perform required maintenance and inspections of neighborhood vehicles, unless appropriately classified vehicle maintenance staff are qualified and available to perform repairs and service. Non-Pullman departments must obtain recommendations from Motor Pool for participating state contract tire vendors.
The applicable campus motor vehicle department pays for all repairs to daily and long-term WSU rental plan vehicles (see BPPM 95.35).
Driver Restrictions
Drivers may not operate neighborhood vehicles on sidewalks. All restrictions regarding vehicular access to pedestrian malls apply equally to neighborhood vehicles unless the campus public safety and parking services departments grant special permission to the drivers.
Each driver must possess a valid driver’s license to operate a neighborhood vehicle.