Executive Policy Manual
EP19 – Permissible Uses of WSU Leased Lands
Approved by Board of Regents, September 19, 2003
The Washington State University Board of Regents has full authority over Washington State University property. Pursuant to this authority, Washington State University property is sometimes leased to other persons or entities. This policy outlines the permissible uses of such leased lands.
Lands leased from Washington State University shall be utilized by the lessee only for the purposes for which such lands are leased (e.g., agricultural use, commercial use).
Lands leased from Washington State University shall not be used for hunting and/or fishing. Such leased lands may be used for other outdoor recreation if the Vice President for Finance and Administration finds that the land has potential for outdoor recreation, and the use for which the land is leased is compatible with such outdoor recreation. In general, leases for commercial use, agricultural production, or grazing are not compatible with outdoor recreation if there is a potential that such recreation could damage crops or farm animals, ground cover, improvements to the land, the lessee, or the general public, or if there could be undue interference with carrying forward a University program. The Vice President for Business and Finance will review any finding regarding the outdoor recreation potential of a particular parcel of land, or any finding regarding whether the use to be made of a particular parcel of land is compatible with outdoor recreation.
The Washington State University Board of Regents believes this policy is necessary to minimize the risk of damage to Washington State University lands, and of harm to the general public.
Authority: RCW 28B.30.150; RCW 28B.30.325
Revisions: Oct. 2003 – new policy (Rev. 15)