Executive Policy Manual

EP30 – WSU Pullman Parking Ticket Disposition Policy

Approved February 16, 2017


The University has established internal policies regarding the disposition of tickets for parking violations at WSU Pullman, in accordance with the authority established in WAC 504-15-810. These policies are implemented by Transportation Services.


The goals of the ticket disposition policy are:

  • To educate WSU Pullman parking patrons regarding obtaining proper parking permits;
  • To aid patrons in avoiding future parking tickets;
  • To aid Transportation Services personnel in providing mission-minded customer service; and
  • To provide training guidelines for Transportation Services staff.

This ticket disposition policy complements the due process regulations provided in WAC 504-15-860. The ticket disposition policy includes the waive policies described in the table below. A patron who receives a parking ticket may pay the ticket, request a disposition of the ticket (which may include a reduction of the ticket), or appeal the ticket. Any patron who is not satisfied with the University’s action in response to a disposition request may appeal the ticket according to the appeal process described in WAC 504-15-860.

The disposition policy allows Transportation Services to waive one parking ticket per patron per eligible violation per annual permit cycle in conformance with the waive policies below.


Transportation Services must document the waiving of a parking violation fee. The documentation must include:

  • The date of the waive,
  • The reason for the waive (i.e., “P” Waive, “A” Waive, “V” Waive, and “E” Waive as defined under Waives below),
  • The name of the person who approved the waive, and
  • Any other supporting documentation that helps define the circumstance.

Ticket Disposition and Appeal Deadline

In order to receive consideration for a ticket disposition or appeal, the patron must contact Transportation Services within ten days of the issuance of the violation ticket unless otherwise noted in this policy.


Transportation Services may extend the deadline if the patron did not receive a ticket on the date of the violation (e.g., the ticket was removed from the vehicle’s windshield by weather or people), and the first notice he or she received was the ticket late notice.


All definitions in WAC 504-15-100 apply to this policy. The following definitions are also applicable to the waive policies described below.

Annual Permit Cycle

An annual permit cycle is defined as the effective period of an annual permit.


Days are defined as calendar days.

Honor Boxes

Honor boxes are defined as payment boxes with numbered slots that correspond to the numbered spaces in a parking lot or garage. Patrons are to place payment for the parking fees in the applicable slots.

Move In/Move Out

Move In and Move Out are defined as special periods when residence hall students are moving into or out of their residence halls. Move In and Move Out periods are established by WSU Housing and Residence Life, and posted on the Transportation Services website.

Permit Vending Machines

Permit vending machines are defined as machines in parking lots or garages that sell temporary permits. The sign at each machine provides the applicable rates and indicates when the rates are valid.

Permit Holder

The permit holder is defined as the patron who purchased and is responsible for the proper use and display of the permit.

Write In Permits

A write in permit is defined as a daily permit that allows a patron to park in a specified University parking zone. The patron activates the permit by writing the dates that he or she intends to use the permit in the applicable date fields as needed.

Valid Parking Permit

A valid parking permit is defined as a permit, e.g., commercial, disability, departmental, purchased prior to a violation and displayed prior to the permit’s expiration date.

WSU Disability Permit

A WSU disability permit is defined as a WSU-issued annual or daily zone permit displayed with a valid state-issued individual with disabilities parking permit and identification which allows the patron to park in specified locations. For specific disability parking locations, refer to the Transportation Services parking information webpage.


“P” Waive (Permit Waive)

A “P” waive (permit waive) is defined as a waive of a parking ticket when the patron produces a permit that is valid for the zone where the ticket was issued.

“A” Waive (Administrative Waive)

An “A” waive (administrative waive) is defined as a parking ticket waive for a violation not covered by “P” and “V” waives. “A” waives include parking ticket waives for violations caused by equipment malfunction, signage errors, and data entry errors. “A” waives also include waives for the removal of late fees, inoperable vehicles, health and safety matters, and customer service instances for Move In/Move Out periods and user education.

“V” Waive (Visitor Waive)

A “V” waive (visitor waive) is defined as a waive of a parking ticket for the first #4 “no permit” violation by a visitor to the University. (See Item 8 in the table below.)

“E” Waive (Educational Waive)

An “E” Waive is defined as a waive of a parking ticket that educates the patron for specified cases. (See items 2, 4, 10, 14, 15, 16, and 20 in the following table.)

Item Violation Case Waive Policy WAC Reference Comments


#1 Meter Violation

Permits which are valid at meters

If the permit holder produces a valid permit within 10 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may waive the first violation as a “P” waive once every annual permit cycle. Transportation Services may reduce all other violations to the established amount for the rest of the annual permit cycle.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-210

Most of these cases are related to disability permits; some are related to commercial or departmental permits. For established violation reduction amounts, contact the Transportation Services office.


#2 Overtime in a Time Zone

Vehicle is cited in a time zone

Transportation Services may waive the first violation as an “E” waive and educate the patron. Limited to one waive per individual.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-210



#2 Overtime in a Time Zone

Move In/Move Out

During the effective dates of the Move In/Move Out program, a Transportation Services supervisor level and above may waive a #2 violation for a parent or resident student as an “A” waive within 10 days of issuance.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-210

The goal of the Move In/Move Out parking program is to facilitate students moving in/out of residence halls.


#3 Improper Display


Transportation Services may waive a first violation within 10 days of issuance as an “E” waive once every annual permit cycle. Transportation Services educates the patron regarding how to properly display the permit. The patron agrees to display the permit properly.

See WAC 504-15-520 for “display” methods.

Transportation Services may allow this waive once every annual permit cycle.


#4 No Permit

Non-visitor without an annual zone permit; vehicle is cited in a WSU Zone Parking System lot

If the patron purchases an annual permit within 10 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may waive the first violation as a “P” waive.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-510



#4 No Permit

Non-visitor without a University Housing parking permit; vehicle is cited in a University Housing lot.

If the patron produces a University Housing parking permit within 10 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may waive the first violation as a “P” waive.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-510



#4 No Permit

Permit holder

If the permit holder produces a valid permit for the zone within 10 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may waive the first violation as a “P” waive once every annual permit cycle. Transportation Services may reduce all other violations to the established amount for the rest of the annual permit cycle if a valid permit is verified within 10 days of issuance of the violations.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-510

Transportation Services typically allows this waive when a permit holder forgets to display a permit and/or brings a different car to campus. For established violation reduction amounts, contact the Transportation Services office.


#4 No Permit

Visitors Only

Upon request, Transportation Services may waive a visitor’s first violation within 10 days as a “V” waive in accordance with the referenced WAC section. Transportation Services informs the visitor where they may purchase a permit upon his or her next campus visit.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-510



#4 No Permit

Write In Permits

Transportation Services may write the date of violation on a “Write In” permit and waive the first violation only as a “P” waive within 10 days of issuance. For subsequent violations, Transportation Services may write the date of violation on a Write In permit and reduce the fine to the established amount.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-510

For established violation reduction amounts, contact the Transportation Services office.


#5 No Permit

A valid parking permit is displayed but in the wrong zone.

Transportation Services may waive the first violation only within 10 days as an “E” waive. Transportation Services educates the patron regarding the zone parking system and informs him or her where his or her permit is valid.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-510



#6 No Parking Zone

For parking lots with posted restrictions effective during specific hours, e.g., “No Parking.”

Transportation Services may waive a first violation only within 10 days of issuance as an “E” waive. Transportation Services educates the patron regarding posted time restrictions for the applicable parking lots on campus.

WAC 504-15-220

Examples include the top aisle (closest to Rogers-Orton playfield) of the large Blue 1 lot in the south portion of campus, the lot on Campus and Monroe, the SRC lot, and the Tennis Courts lot. Also may include any other future permanent or temporary time-restricted lots.


#10 Disability Zone

A valid WSU Disability permit is required and is not displayed.

If the permit holder produces a valid WSU Disability permit within 10 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may waive the first violation as a “P” waive once every annual permit cycle. Transportation Services may reduce all other violations to the established amount for the rest of the annual permit cycle if a valid permit is verified within 10 days of issuance of the violations.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-600

For established violation reduction amounts, contact the Transportation Services office.


#10 Disability Zone

A valid state-issued individual with disabilities permit is required and is not displayed.

If the permit holder produces a valid state-issued individual with disabilities permit and identification within 10 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may waive the first violation within 10 days as a “P” waive once every annual permit cycle. Transportation Services may reduce all other violations to the established amount if a valid permit and identification is verified within 10 days.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-600

For established violation reduction amounts, contact the Transportation Services office.


#16 Non-Payment in Pay Lot

For parking lots such as the Student Recreation Center (SRC) and Tennis Courts lots with a permit vending machine.

The patron must produce a valid permit for the time he or she was cited. Transportation Services may waive the first violation within 10 days of issuance as a “P” waive, once every annual permit cycle. Transportation Services may reduce all other violations to the established amount if a valid permit is verified within 10 days.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-210

Transportation Services may allow this waive when a permit holder either forgets to display a permit or brings a different vehicle to campus. For established violation reduction amounts, contact the Transportation Services office.


#16 Non-Payment in Pay Lot

Fine Arts Garage and Daggy Garage during the effective hours of honor box operation.

Transportation Services may waive the first violation only within 10 days as an “E” waive. Transportation Services educates the patron about the location and use of the “honor boxes.”

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-210

Transportation Services may allow this waive when patrons do not “see” the honor boxes or understand the instruction signs.


#16 Non-Payment in Pay Lot

SRC and Tennis Courts lots; Library Garage and Smith Center Garage when garage envelopes are not issued, i.e., during times when pay and display machines are in use.

Transportation Services may waive the first violation only within 10 days as an “E” waive. Transportation Services educates the patron about the location and use of the pay and display machines.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-210

Transportation Services may allow this waive when patrons do not “see” the pay and display machines or understand the instruction signs.


#16 Non-Payment in Pay Lot

Library Garage and Smith Center Garage when garage envelopes are issued.

Within 30 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may accept partial payment as payment in full or waive the fine as an “E” waive for the first violation only. Transportation Services educates the patron about parking garage policies.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-210

Transportation Services may allow this waive for the first G-ticket (garage ticket) issued only.


#15 No Mall Service Permit and #17 No Service Permit

Permits which allow parking for service or mall service access, e.g., service, mall service, commercial, disability, departmental permits

If the permit holder produces a valid permit for the zone within 10 days of issuance of a violation, Transportation Services may waive the first violation as a “P” waive. This waive is allowed for the first violation only. There is no reduction of fines for subsequent violations.

WAC 504-15-810

WAC 504-15-920

Transportation Services typically allows this waive when a permit holder either forgets to display a permit or brings a different car to campus.


Late Fee


A Transportation Services supervisor may waive a late fee as an “A” waive based on extenuating circumstances.

WAC 504-15-810

Transportation Services must document the reason for waiving the late fee. A late fee is applied after 30 days.


All violations


Transportation Services may waive a parking violation as an “A” waive if the Vice President for Finance and Administration, or their designee, determines such an action is in the best interest of the University.

WAC 504-15-810




User-activated permits, i.e., in-car meter or write in permits.

A Transportation Services supervisor may waive a violation as an “E” waive and educate the patron. Limited to one waive per individual.

WAC 504-15-810




Verifiable equipment malfunction, miscommunication, or signing error.

A Transportation Services supervisor may waive the ticket as an “A” waive and correct the equipment malfunction or error.

WAC 504-15-810




Health and safety

The Director of Transportation Services, or designee, may waive the violation as an “A” waive.

WAC 504-15-810




Inoperable vehicle

A Transportation Services supervisor may waive the first violation as an “A” waive if the patron reports the vehicle as inoperable prior to receiving the ticket.

WAC 504-15-810

Transportation Services allows a patron 24 hours to remove an inoperable vehicle parked in a permit zone. Transportation Services allows a patron one hour to remove an inoperable vehicle parked in a meter zone, pay facility, service zone, or timed area. A Transportation Services supervisor may allow a patron an extended time period to remove an inoperable vehicle.

Revisions:  Feb. 2017 (Rev. 73); Oct. 2016 (Rev. 70); Jan. 2016 (Rev. 66); Aug. 2015 (Rev. 63); June 2015 (Rev. 61); July 2010 – new policy (Rev. 40)