Safety Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 9: Radiation Safety

Commitment to ALARA

SPPM 9.06

For more information contact:
   Radiation Safety Office


The University is committed to preventing unnecessary radiation exposure to any individual and to reducing all radiation worker exposures to levels that are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). Such efforts take into account applicable safety, economic, and risk-versus-benefit considerations.


Federal and state regulations and University radiation use licenses require a written radiation protection program that provides radiation users with standard protocols to keep the risk of exposure to radiation as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).


Radiation Protection Program

The ALARA principle is implemented by a comprehensive Radiation Protection Program (see SPPM 9.10) that includes specific requirements and procedures for:

  • Appropriate administrative controls put in place by the University’s executive management.
  • Appropriate training and oversight of all radiation users.
  • Safety monitoring and evaluation of all proposed radiation uses and all facilities where radiation is used or stored.
  • Radiation exposure and contamination prevention and control, including routine surveys of work areas for contamination and exposure rates.
  • Exposure monitoring of radiation workers and radiation use areas, and investigations of all exposures that exceed predetermined expected levels.
  • Annual audits of the Radiation Protection Program by the Radiation Safety Committee and/or other qualified experts.
  • Implementation of program changes and corrective actions when inadequacies or program deficiencies are identified.

Informing Users

All radiation users are included in the program and must be informed of the program and of their individual responsibilities. (See SPPM 9.10 and 9.30.)


University faculty, staff, and students must comply with federal and state regulations and University policies and procedures when conducting research, clinical, and teaching activities with, or storing, ionizing radioactive materials and ionizing radiation producing devices.


The following responsibilities are designed to ensure the maintenance of this policy.

Application Review and Approval

The Radiation Safety Committee reviews all applications requesting authorization to use sources of radiation in research, teaching, or service at a University facility or under the University’s authority.

Specific Rules and Directives

The Radiation Safety Committee or the University Radiation Safety Officer may issue specific rules and directives in support of the ALARA concept and to ensure compliance with all University policies and federal and state regulatory requirements.

User Support and Guidance

The University Radiation Safety Officer and the staff of the Radiation Safety Office provide support and guidance regarding the prevention of unnecessary exposure to radiation to:

  • All authorized users and radiation workers.
  • The University community.
  • The general public.

Revisions:  Sept. 2014 – entire Chapter 9 revised (Rev. 102). Contact PRF about previous revision history for this chapter.