EPM Revision #113
August 17, 2023
University Executive Administrators have approved the following revision to the Executive Policy Manual.
EP6 Policy on Risk Management
This revision updates the WSU system policy on risk management, including updates and clarifications to:
- Policy and purpose;
- Applicability;
- Definitions;
- Roles and responsibilities;
- Procedures for compliance with the enterprise risk management program;
- References and resources; and
- Contact information for assistance.
EP45 University Ethics Policy
This revision:
- Adds requirements regarding use of resources to support a charity, charitable organization, or charitable purpose.
- Clarifies the use of resources for private benefit or gain, including adding separate sections for de minimus use requirements and resource use for promoting organizational effectiveness. The lists of related policies and examples regarding use of resources are also reorganized and expanded for clarity.
- Clarifies the types of expectations which may create conflicts of interest.
- Moves the discussion of related policies and examples related to Section 3.0 to subsections 3.13 (related policies) and 3.14 (examples).