BPPM Revision #627

May 22, 2024

This BPPM revision includes the following changes:

10.20 Improper Governmental Actions (Whistleblower Program)

This revision:

  • Updates the policy and procedures for responding to whistleblower action within the WSU system in accordance with current laws and regulations.
  • Changes the title of this policy from Improper Governmental Actions (Whistleblower Act).

90.05 Release of Public Records

This revision clarifies:

  • The requirement for University personnel to respond to requests for records from the Public Records Office in a timely fashion, with emphasis on consequences for failing to comply with this requirement.
  • The requirement for personnel to provide all records within the scope of the request to the Public Records Office. The Public Records Office, not the employee or department, makes all determinations regarding exemptions from disclosure.
  • That the Public Records Office may request assistance from Information Technology Services or another appropriate WSU office in gathering responsive records.