Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 30: Finance

Cash Handling

BPPM 30.53

For more information contact:
   Controller’s Office

Bursar’s Office

The Bursar’s Office section of the Controller’s Office collects student tuition and fees, payments of obligations of students, staff, and the public to the University, and receives for deposit all monies collected by departments for sales and services. (See also BPPM 30.56.)

Location and Hours

The Bursar’s Office is located in French Administration 342 and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Deposit Times

Departments may make deposits from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Departments are responsible for the following measures:

  • Immediately receipting all monies received (e.g., cash, check, money order) at the time the monies are received.
  • Immediately endorsing checks and money orders at the time the monies are received.
  • Prior to deposit, providing adequate safeguards for cash and checks.
    All cash and checks must be physically secure at all times. Do not leave cash or checks unattended. Store cash and checks in a secure and locked location. Control and limit access to the storage location.
  • Depositing all payments to WSU intact at least weekly with the Bursar’s Office in total and in the same form as received, i.e., cash or checks.
  • Depositing amounts totaling $100 or more within 24 hours of receipt, or the next working day if amounts are received after the University’s normal business hours.
  • Protecting cash signing machines; signature plates; blank checks; and partially prepared, mutilated, and voided checks from unauthorized use.
  • Periodically reconciling Workday Record Cash Sales business processes to Workday Revenue reports to ensure that all revenue has been properly posted to the appropriate accounts (see BPPM 30.07 and the Using Workday Reports reference guide).

Segregation of Duties

Individuals who collect monies and/or write receipts may not prepare and/or make deposits. Different individuals are to perform the following functions:

  • Collecting monies and preparing receipts
  • Depositing cash or checks collected by completing the Record Cash Sale Workday process or bringing monies collected to the Bursar’s Office for posting into myWSU.
  • Accounting for receipts. (Note: This individual is issued receipts by the Controller’s Office and is responsible for receipt use and inventory (see BPPM 30.52).

Departments are to segregate cash receipting functions from cash disbursement functions.


Some small departments may not have sufficient staff to meet segregation requirements. In such a case, the departmental administrator may request an exception from the Controller’s Office. The exception request should include a description of other controls used to compensate for not segregating duties, e.g., supervisory review. Send a copy of the exception request to the Office of Internal Audit.

Deposits by WSU Departments

Prepare deposits as follows.

Machine Tapes

Prepare the following separate machine tapes of receipts:

  • A tape showing total sales
  • A tape showing cash transactions
  • A tape showing check transactions
  • A tape showing bank card transactions

These totals must match the amounts deposited by category as shown on the Record Cash Sale business process in Workday. Complete a Record Cash Sale business process in Workday Cash Deposit Report for each deposit. (See the Workday Record Cash Sale reference guide for instructions.)

Preparing Cash for Deposit

Wrap Coins

Wrap all coins in appropriate coin wrappers. Write the department name and date on the wrapper. Coin wrappers are available at the Bursar’s Office.


Rubberband dollar bills in groups of 20. Wrap 5-, 10- and 20-dollar bills in 100-dollar bundles of each denomination.

Deposits at WSU Pullman

University departments which receive funds on behalf of the University assume responsibility for the funds. Departmental responsibility terminates when funds are received by the Bursar’s Office.

Hand Delivery

All deposits must be hand-delivered.

Departments are to hand-deliver the following to the Bursar’s Office:

  • Checks and cash,
  • Copies of completed WSU Receipts forms (see BPPM 30.52),
  • The machine tapes, and
  • Copies of the completed Workday Record Cash Sales business processes.

Deposits by Units at Other Campuses

Units deposit payments in a local bank at least weekly. When total receipts are $100 or more, units deposit the funds within 24 hours of receipt, or the next working day if funds are received after normal University business hours. See BPPM 30.65 for bank account procedures.

Units are responsible for mailing bank deposit slips, copies of WSU Receipts, and copies of the Workday Record Cash Sales business processes directly to the Bursar’s Office in Pullman the day of deposit. Alternative procedures must be approved in advance by the responsible dean and the Controller.

Deposits by Registered Student Organizations

Direct questions concerning registered student organization accounts to the applicable campus financial services or campus contact office as indicated below:

  • WSU Pullman Financial Services Office; telephone 509-335-1085; room CUB 60
  • WSU Spokane Student Affairs; telephone 509-358-7526
  • WSU Tri-Cities Office of Student Affairs; telephone 509-372-7139
  • WSU Vancouver Office of Student Involvement; telephone 360-546-9530

See also BPPM 70.18.

Revisions:  Jan. 2021 (Rev. 560); May 2011 (Rev. 379); June 2009 (Rev. 342); June 2008 (Rev. 323); July 2007 (Rev. 300); May 2004 (Rev. 244); July 1999 (Rev. 145, 142); June 1998 (Rev. 123); Mar. 1990 (Rev. 80); July 1988 (Rev. 71); June 1983 (Rev. 52).