Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 60: Personnel

Performance Management Evaluations

BPPM 60.55

For more information contact:
   Human Resource Services

1.0   Policy and Purpose

Regular evaluation and feedback to employees regarding their performance is critical to employee development and departmental effectiveness. Although performance feedback should be continuous and ongoing throughout the year, it culminates in the formal performance evaluation, which is to be completed annually for all University employees.

Performance evaluations provide the following benefits:

  • Documentation of employee competence and productivity.
  • Support for achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
  • Documentation of an employee’s strengths and areas needing improvement.

This policy provides information regarding the annual performance evaluation process.

2.0   Applicability

This policy applies to:

Bargaining unit employees refer to the applicable collective bargaining agreements for requirements regarding performance evaluations.

3.0   Faculty Annual Review

Faculty are reviewed in accordance with policies and regulations in the Faculty Manual.

The Office of the Provost provides forms and instructions to supervisors during the spring semester.

Faculty may use the Activity Insight system for compiling annual review information.

Direct questions regarding the faculty review process to the Office of the Provost; telephone 509-335-5581.

4.0   Administrative Professional (AP) Annual Review

AP personnel are evaluated annually on a calendar year (January 1 – December 31).  Senior executive leaders may request alternate cycles, such as an academic year or fiscal year review period. A request to change the review period from a calendar year must be sent to the Chief Human Resource Officer prior to implementing a change.

4.1   Review Process

Beginning with the 2024 review period, evaluators use the Employee Performance Review process in Workday to document the evaluation of an AP employee. Supplemental information may be used to support the rating.

Human Resource Services (HRS) must review and approve any alternate AP annual review processes prior to department use. HRS maintains a record of all units requesting and using alternate annual review forms and maintains a copy of the review form used by each requesting unit.

Prior to the review, the AP employee provides their achievements for the review period and goals for the next review period.

Specific consideration should be given to productivity, quality of work, interpersonal skills, and other applicable factors when assigning the merit rating. These factors may include, but are not limited to, the following considerations:

  • Productivity:
    • The amount of work produced
    • Organizational skills
    • Implementation of efficiency measures
    • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Quality of work:
    • Consistency
    • Initiative
    • Insight
    • Problem-solving skills
    • Reputation
    • Professional knowledge
    • Written and oral communication skills
    • Public relations skills
  • Interpersonal skills:
    • Ability to work collaboratively with others
    • Working relationships
    • Public contacts
    • Supervisory skills
  • Optional factors:
    • Factors that are specific to the position
    • Service to the University and community
    • Committee work contributions
4.1.a   Routing

The completed performance review is routed in Workday to HRS for the official personnel file.

4.1.b   Questions

Direct questions regarding the AP annual review process to HRS; telephone 509-335-4521.

4.2   Personnel Reporting Directly to President

University leaders who report directly to the President, such as the Provost, chancellors, executive vice presidents, and vice presidents are evaluated on a schedule established by the President.

5.0   Civil Service Employee Evaluation

The following civil service employee performance evaluation requirements and procedures in this section are in accordance with WAC 357-37.

The immediate supervisor is responsible for preparing the civil service employee performance evaluation in accordance with this policy (BPPM 60.55).

The evaluation is reviewed by the employee’s second level of supervision.

5.1   Requirements

Supervisors must provide feedback and formally evaluate the performance of:

  • A probationary employee or permanent employee serving a trial service or transition review period before the employee attains permanent status in the position; and
  • A permanent employee at least once annually prior to the employee’s scheduled Periodic Increment Date (PID). See WAC 357-28-050WAC 357-28-055 for information about the PID.

Note: Immediate supervisors may postpone evaluation for employees who have recently been reassigned, transferred, laid off, or demoted to their current positions until they have completed six months of service in the new positions.

Performance evaluations are not to be used to initiate personnel actions such as transfer, promotion, or discipline.

5.2   Review Process

Beginning with the 2023 review period, evaluators use the Employee Performance Review process in Workday.

HRS must review and approve alternate employee performance evaluation forms prior to department use. HRS maintains a record of all units requesting and using alternate employee performance forms and maintains a copy of the evaluation form used by each requesting unit.

5.3   Performance Factors

Evaluate each civil service employee based on the following factors:

  • Quality of work
  • Quantity of work
  • Job knowledge
  • Working relationships
  • Supervisory skills, if applicable
  • Work related optional factor(s). An optional factor must be relevant to the job; e.g., safety requirements as defined and appropriate for the position.

The supervisor must provide the employee with prior notification at the beginning of the rating period regarding any rating factor used for evaluation.

5.3.a   Performance Ratings

Rate employees on each performance factor according to the scale indicated on the required form.

5.3.b    Performance Expectations

The immediate supervisor determines the performance expectations to be used as the basis for the ratings. The performance expectations must be applicable to the employee’s position.

The supervisor is to provide the performance expectations to the employee within a reasonable time frame at the start of their appointment and at the beginning of each review period if the expectations change.

5.4   Responsibilities

5.4.a   Supervisor

The supervisor is responsible for:

  • Explaining the employee’s responsibility for successfully performing assigned job duties and meeting expectations. This explanation must be given at the time of appointment along with providing the employee with a position description and performance expectations.
    When either the position description or the performance expectations are revised, the supervisor is to provide copies of the revised documentation to the employee at the beginning of each review period.
  • Assessing how well the employee has efficiently and effectively contributed to fulfilling departmental and position objectives.
  • Recognizing an employee’s successful job performance and identifying opportunities for improvement in job performance.
  • Properly carrying out their responsibilities to complete annual performance evaluations in accordance with this policy. The manager and supervisor’s position descriptions and, if applicable, performance expectations should reflect the responsibility to evaluate employees.
5.4.b   Civil Service Employee

The civil service employee is responsible for:

  • Requesting clarification of any job duty, standard, or expectation that is unclear.
  • Performing work as assigned and meeting job standards and expectations.
  • Participating in the performance evaluation process.
  • Communicating with their supervisor and sharing successes and problems so that the supervisor may better measure progress and provide assistance.

5.5   Procedures

5.5.a   Review Period

The review period is based on:

  • The completion date for the employee’s trial service, probation, or transition review period; and/or
  • The employee’s Periodic Increment Date (PID). Example: If the employee’s PID date is January 1, the review period for which the employee is evaluated is the prior January through December.

Note: An alternative ending date for the review period may be used if mutually agreed upon by the supervisor and employee. Contact HRS for assistance.

5.5.b   Prior to the Review Period

Prior to the review period, the supervisor is to provide the employee with a copy of the position description and performance expectations for the position.

HRS provides assistance with position descriptions and performance expectations. Samples of position descriptions and performance expectations are available from HRS.

5.5.c   During the Review Period

During the review period, the supervisor:

  • Observes the employee’s performance.
  • Assesses how well the employee contributes to efficiency and effectiveness by fulfilling departmental objectives and the performance expectations for the position.
  • Monitors employee progress and performance in relation to position descriptions, established performance expectations, University policies and procedures, and department guidelines.
  • Provides informal feedback on a continuing basis, including positive and negative feedback. Maintains informal notes of performance, if necessary.

    Contact HRS with questions regarding appropriate documentation.

  • Reminds the employee in advance that the review session is due. A good time frame is 30 days prior to the evaluation date.
5.5.d   Prior to Completing Evaluation and Meeting with Employee

Throughout the review period and prior to completing the performance review and meeting with the employee, the supervisor is to:

  • Review previously established performance expectations.
    Revise performance expectations for next review period if needed.
  • Review current position description.
    Revise the position description for next review period if needed.
  • Review notes relating to employee performance.
  • Begin completing evaluation process in Workday. Rate the employee on all applicable criteria.
    Rate the employee realistically. Avoid overrating or underrating the employee. Discuss the employee’s ratings with their second level of supervision.
  • Consider and plan how to conduct the face-to-face review session, including using appropriate interview and coaching techniques.
5.5.e   Additional Options

In addition, the supervisor may:

  • Provide the employee with a copy of the evaluation prior to the meeting, e.g., a day before the scheduled meeting, to allow the employee time to review the evaluation.
  • Ask for feedback from customers and clients, if applicable, which may be considered when completing the evaluation.
  • Allow the employee to complete the evaluation for their performance.
    The employee submits the completed evaluation in Workday to their immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor reviews and considers the employee’s input.
  • Ask the employee for input on the current position description and performance expectations.
    Review the employee’s feedback to determine if the position description and/or performance expectation need to be revised.
5.5.f   Face-to-Face Review Session

During the face-to-face review session, the immediate supervisor is to:

  • Provide for an adequate uninterrupted time.
  • Select a private setting.
  • Involve the employee and solicit employee comments.
  • Provide feedback on past performance.
  • Modify the evaluation if appropriate and give a copy to the employee for comments and a signature.
5.5.g   Routing and Filing

Immediately after the face-to-face review session, the immediate supervisor routes the completed evaluation in Workday to the employee’s second level of supervision for review and submission.

The second level supervisor routes copies of the signed evaluation form and all of the evaluation materials, including the position description and performance expectations, to:

  • Employee
  • Employee’s immediate supervisor
  • HRS

6.0   Evaluation Retention and Access

HRS retains employee evaluations in the employee’s personnel file as long as it has a reasonable bearing on the employee’s job performance, in accordance with WAC 357-22-040.

Evaluations are available for review by the employee or their designee, the current supervisor, and upper levels of supervision. Personnel files, including the evaluation forms, are available for review by a supervisor or other administrator who may be considering the employee for promotion, transfer, lateral movement, voluntary demotion, layoff, or reassignment. See BPPM 90.07 for more information.

Prior to viewing a personnel file, the requester must present a photo ID and verification of the reason for the access (if the requester is not the employee).

HRS representatives may access personnel files in the performance of their official duties.

6.1   Internal Review of Alleged Irregularities

Within 30 days of receipt of a completed and signed performance evaluation, an AP or civil service employee may submit a written request to the designated personnel officer for the University, or designee, to review alleged irregularities in the use of the approved performance evaluation form and/or procedures.

HRS must notify the employee in writing of the result of the internal review.

7.0   Resources

Sample performance expectations and advisory guidelines for performance factors are available by employee category under the Managers area of the HRS website.

BPPM 90.07: Release of Personnel Records

Revisions:  June 2024 (Rev. 630); April 2021 (Rev. 565); Sept. 2017 (Rev 499); July 2016 (Rev. 473); Oct. 2009 (Rev 347); Aug. 2008 (Rev 327); July 2006 (Rev 282); Apr. 2000 (Rev 160); Sept. 1982 – new policy (Rev. 49).