Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 50: Safety and Security

Certificate of Insurance

BPPM 50.11

For more information contact:
   Risk Management Services

1.0   Overview and Purpose Statement

Risk Management works with University units to ensure appropriate insurance coverage for University events and activities. Occasionally, the University must provide evidence of insurance coverage to third parties. Such evidence is generally called a Certificate of Insurance. The third party may be named as an additional insured under WSU’s liability insurance coverage through the State Agency Self-Insurance Liablity Program (SILP) or other insurance policies. See also Executive Policy Manual EP6: Policy on Risk Management and RCW 4.92, et. seq. (regarding the SILP).

2.0   Applicability

This policy applies to University events and activities in which a third party has requested a Certificate of Insurance. Typically when a WSU department holds an official event, function, provides services, or otherwise uses an organization’s facility for official purposes, that organization may require evidence of the University’s insurance coverage.

Student-sponsored events are excluded from WSU’s liability insurance. The Washington State Department of Enterprise Services, Office of Risk Management (DES/ORM) does not issue certificates of insurance for such activities.

3.0   Roles and Responsibilities

WSU Risk Management processes and submits all University requests for Certificates of Insurance to the DES/ORM for issuance.

4.0   Procedures

4.1   Request for Certificate of Insurance

To obtain a Certificate of Insurance, complete and submit an online Request for Certificate of Insurance. The following information is required for the form:

  • Requesting Department: Enter the requesting WSU department name, address, telephone, e-mail address, and the name of the primary contact individual.
  • Third Party: Enter the third-party organization name, address, telephone, e-mail address, and the name of the primary contact individual.
  • Period of Insurance Coverage: Enter the beginning and ending dates and times of the event, function, provision of services, or facility use.
  • Location: Enter the location or site where the event or provision of services is occurring.
  • Description: Enter a brief description of the event, function, provision of services, or facility use.
  • Agreement: Attach a complete copy of the contractual agreement applicable to the event, function, provision of services, or facility use.

4.2 Review and Approval

Risk Management must review and approve all requests for insurance or additional insureds before a Certificate of Insurance may be issued.

The online form automatically forwards the request to Risk Management for review and approval. If approved, Risk Management submits the certificate request to DES/ORM.

4.3 Issuance of Certificate

DES/ORM sends a copy of the certificate by e-mail to Risk Management Services, the third party, and the WSU department contact. The WSU department contact is to review the certificate carefully upon receipt and contact Risk Management if there are questions or concerns.

5.0 Resources and Assistance

Additional information is available on the Risk Management Insurance and Liability webpage.

For questions and/or assistance, contact Risk Management; telephone 509-335-6893;

Revisions:  May 2023 (Rev. 611); October 2018 (Rev. 521); July 2017 (Rev. 495); Nov. 2006 (Rev. 290); July 2001 – new policy (Rev. 189).