Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 20: Property

Exterior Signage

BPPM 20.42

For more information contact:
   Facilities Services
   509-335-9000 /

1.0   Policy

To ensure consistency systemwide with respect to sign placement, design, and branding, all WSU campuses and locations are to observe approved exterior signage standards and follow the established process for their location when requesting and installing specified types of new permanent exterior signage.

The signs referenced in this policy are manufactured by Facilities Services or by a state-contracted vendor.

2.0     Applicability

This policy applies to all WSU campuses and locations.

3.0     Responsibilities

3.1     University Architect

The Associate Vice President for Facilities Services is the University Architect and heads the WSU Architectural Review Committee, which approves signage design and placement standards for the WSU system. The University Architect and the Architectural Review Committee also serve as a resource for University units and employees with questions regarding external signage.

3.2     WSU Marketing and Communications

WSU Marketing and Communication approves brand guidelines for the WSU system and serves as a resource for questions regarding branding.

4.0     Signage Requirements

4.1     Design

Signage and frame designs are to be in accordance with approved WSU signage standards.

Exterior signage design standards and guidelines are available at the Facilities Services Design Standards website.

Click on the All Design Standards button,
Scroll down to Division 10: Specialties, then
Select 10_14_13: Exterior Signage Guidelines.

4.2     Placement Approval

The University Architect or designee approves the placement of all exterior signage at the contiguous central campus at WSU Pullman.

Placement of exterior signage requests for WSU Spokane, WSU Tri-Cities, WSU Vancouver, and WSU Everett are subject to the approval of the chancellor or designee for each campus or location, in consultation with the University Architect or designee.

Placement of exterior signage requests for the WSU Research and Extension Centers (REC) are subject to the approval of the Dean of College of Agriculture Human and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS) or designee, in consultation with the University Architect or designee.

Campuses and other WSU locations also may be subject to requirements of local jurisdictions regarding sign placement.

4.3     General Prohibitions

Signs made of unauthorized materials, e.g., paper or cardboard, are not allowed.

Information may not be affixed by temporary means, e.g., gluing, taping, to standardized signage. If surfaces are damaged, the department or person installing the unauthorized signs is held financially responsible for the repairs.

4.4     Maintenance

Facilities Services, or the equivalent unit at each campus or location, is responsible for sign maintenance.

Departments requesting new signs or blades that are not part of a system- or campus-funded upgrade must finance the new signage.

5.0     Types of Signage

Specific requirements, as set forth below, apply to different types of signage. The approved types of permanent exterior signage include:

  • Directional signs
    • Street
    • Pedestrian
    • Crosswalk
  • Pedestrian mall signs
  • Building identity blade signs
  • Auxiliary services signs
  • Interpretive signs
  • Memorials and dedications
  • Regulatory signs

For specific placement, design and maintenance and other requirements refer to Exterior Signage Design Standards.

6.0     Resources

The Associate Vice President for Facilities Services is the University Architect. Contact Facilities Services, Architectural Review Committee, to discuss or plan exterior signage; telephone 509-335-9000; e-mail

7.0     Related Policies

BPPM 20.43: Temporary Signage

BPPM 20.39: Postings in University Spaces

BPPM 30.73: WSU Pullman Beautification and Recognition Program

Revisions:  October 2023 (Rev. 618); September 2018 (Rev. 519); Sept. 2013 – new policy (Rev. 418)