Business Policies and Procedures Manual
Chapter 70: Purchasing

Procurement Card

BPPM 70.08

For more information contact:
   Accounts Payable



Departments may participate in the WSU Procurement Card Program, which provides the preferred method of purchasing for departmental-level purchases below the micro-purchase threshold and direct buy limit, as applicable. The University has established a contract with an issuing bank to provide procurement cards for such purchases.

Payments—Card Services issues cards to individual WSU employees after completing state-mandated training and receiving approval by their supervisor or equivalent. Each approving supervisor should follow the directives of their Area Finance Officer during the cardholder application process for their department.


Washington State University procurement cards are University-liability credit cards issued in the names of authorized, trained employees to purchase certain eligible goods and services in support of university business.

Only eligible direct university business expenses may be charged to a procurement card; personal purchases are strictly prohibited. All procurement card transactions must be supported by a detailed business purpose and by proof of purchase documentation. Improper use of the procurement card, including use of the procurement card for personal purchases, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Additionally, it is University policy that:

  • Dividing purchases into multiple transactions to stay under the Direct Buy Limit or Single Transaction Limit is prohibited.
  • Procurement cards may not be issued or loaned to non-WSU employees.
  • Procurement cards may be suspended when policies and procedures are not followed, including but not limited to when a procurement card is used for prohibited purchases, personal use, or dividing purchases.

This section provides basic information for participating in the WSU Procurement Card Program, including information regarding:

For further information or questions, contact the Procurement Card Program manager or coordinator at Accounts Payable; telephone 509-335-2032 or 509-335-2034.

Program Participants

Program Administration

Payments—Card Services administers the procurement card program. The Procurement Card Helpdesk e-mail address is:

Users may contact the Procurement Card Program manager or coordinator by telephone at 509-335-2032 or 509-335-2034. Payments—Card Services also coordinates transaction activities and processes payments to the issuing bank.

Issuing Bank

The issuing bank provides procurement cards to WSU.

Cost Center Manager

The Cost Center (Project, Program, Gift, or Grant) Manager has responsibility for final verification of a transaction.

They review and approve verification of procurement card transactions.

Note: The approving supervisor cannot be a cardholder or Procurement Card Data Entry Specialist (PCDES) of procurement cards for which they are the approving supervisor.


The Cost Center (Project, Program, Gift, or Grant) Manager is responsible for the following:

  • Adhering to WSU policies and procedures governing procurement cards, as published in this BPPM section (70.08).
  • Providing direction for departmental procurement card use.
  • Taking appropriate action in response to a policy violation by a cardholder or PCDES. See Violating Policy.

Procurement Card Data Entry Specialist (PCDES)

The PCDES or Employee as Self (cardholder) performs the first level of transaction review through Workday. Note: The cardholder may or may not have the role of PCDES.

Payments—Card Services recommends that PCDES’s complete the following training:

  • DES State Purchasing courses;
  • Purchasing Card: New Cardholders training; and
  • Workday Procurement: Verify Procurement Card Transactions training.
PCDES Responsibilities

The PCDES or cardholder is responsible for:

  • Adhering to WSU policies and procedures governing procurement cards, as published in this section (BPPM 70.08).
  • Protecting the security of card information.
  • Reviewing and verifying procurement card transactions using the Workday Reporting tools.


The cardholder is the individual responsible for card use.

The cardholder acts as a procurement agent of the University and the state of Washington when using the procurement card. The cardholder is accountable for any policy violation associated with the use of their card account.

Note: Any cardholder may verify their own transactions, or this responsibility may be assigned to a PCDES within their cost center.

Cardholder Responsibilities

The cardholder is responsible for:

  • Adhering to WSU policies and procedures governing procurement cards, as published in this section (BPPM 70.08).
  • Protecting the security of the card and account number.
    Note: The cardholder must not send the 16-digit procurement card number through any unsecured communications, such as e-mail or e-mail attachments.
  • Instructing delegated users regarding appropriate use of cards.
  • Providing delegated users with documentation to authorize use of the card. See Temporary Card Assignment or Delegated Use.

Delegated User

A delegated user is a WSU employee authorized by the cardholder to use their procurement card for an individual transaction.

Advisory Tools

Advisory guidelines and self-assessment tools for cardholders and PCDES are available from Service Desk or Accounts Payable Procurement Card.


Skillsoft provides training on the following topics for cardholders, PCDES, and delegated users:

  • Appropriate use of procurement cards, including restrictions and compliance requirements.
  • Documentation requirements.
  • Use of the transaction verification system through Workday.

Training requirements vary by program participant role. See Accounts Payable Procurement Card Training for a list of state-required training classes required by participant role.

For more information and to register for procurement card training, see the Learning and Organizational Development section of the Human Resource Services (HRS) website.

Cardholder Training

The cardholder is considered a state purchaser because the procurement card is issued in their name and provides access to funds, so the cardholder must comply with the following state and University training requirements.

New Cardholder Training

The new cardholder must complete the new cardholder training that Payments—Card Services provides as part of this requirement.

State Purchasing and Procurement Ethics Training

The cardholder must also complete the following two online trainings as required by the Department of Enterprise Services (DES):

  • Washington State Small Purchases
  • Washington State Purchasing and Procurement Ethics

The online classes may be taken at any time and are available from the WSU Online Courses area of the HRS Learning and Organizational Development website.

The cardholder needs to complete the trainings only once to satisfy the state training requirement.

Procurement Card Data Entry Specialists (PCDES) Training

Payments—Card Services requires that the PCDES complete the PCDES’s training.


The procurement card is a method of payment. Approving supervisors are responsible for the allowability of all purchases made with a procurement card. Users of procurement cards are subject to the following restrictions.

Spending Limits

Single Purchase

Each procurement card has a maximum single purchase limit (also referred to as single amount limit or single transaction limit).

Users of procurement cards may not circumvent the single purchase limit or the direct buy limit by dividing orders into multiple transactions from the same supplier. (See BPPM 70.13 for current direct buy limit.)

On each Procurement Card Application, the applicable supervisor must approve the limits that are appropriate to the business needs of the cardholder. Standard limits are now set at:

  • Single Transaction Limit of $10,000
  • Monthly Limit of $30,000

In rare cases, Payments—Card Services may approve higher limits, with suitable justification. The justification for such a request must be included with the Procurement Card Application.

Monthly Credit Limit

Each procurement card account has a monthly credit limit. The applicant requests a monthly credit limit when completing the Procurement Card Application.

The supervisor may request an increase or decrease to the monthly credit limit assigned to an existing card by submitting a Procurement Card Change Request to Payments—Card Services or by sending an e-mail message to the Procurement Card manager or coordinator at:

See Requesting Changes to Card Accounts.

Sponsored Projects

Principal investigators (PIs) are responsible for purchasing goods and services which are allowable under the terms of applicable grants or contracts. Cardholders must obtain authorization from PIs before making purchases on accounts supported by grants or contracts.

Prohibited Purchases

Use of the procurement card is prohibited for the following goods and services:


Prohibited alcohol purchases include:

  • Alcohol for consumption
    Note: For nonconsumption use, purchase denatured alcohol (e.g., ethlyl alcohol) when possible and applicable. (See BPPM 70.22.)
  • Meals served with alcoholic beverages

Water for employee consumption where potable water is available. Environmental Health and Safety makes the determination as to whether the available water is potable and accessible.


Prohibited gift purchases include:

  • Donations
  • Gift cards that are not purchased and used in accordance with BPPM 70.44.
  • Gifts (unless the purchases are allowed by and charged to discretionary funding; see BPPM 70.33).
Restricted Materials

Restricted materials purchases include:

  • Controlled substances
  • Over-the-counter medications for first aid kits, unless preapproved in accordance with SPPM 2.42.
    Note: Over-the-counter medications are allowable procurement card purchases without preapproval for units with dispensing pharmacies or trained medical staff.
  • Prescription medications
    Note: Prescription medications are allowable procurement card purchases for units with dispensing pharmacies or trained medical staff.
  • Radioactive materials
  • Weapons, ammunition
  • Fuel for University-owned, privately-owned, or rental vehicles
Restricted Payments

Restricted payments include:

  • Cash advances
  • Payments to individuals, employees, students
  • Personal employee relocation expenses
  • Personal purchases
    Note: Departments are to establish separate departmental accounts for University purchases with online merchants or purchase websites (e.g.,; PayPal) for which employees have personal accounts. Personnel must not enter WSU procurement card data as a payment method in a personal account. Contact Accounts Payable for further assistance.
  • Purchases to be funded by registered student organization (RSO) accounts, e.g., student club and organization expenses (See BPPM 70.18 for purchasing procedures.)
  • Transactions split to circumvent the procurement card’s single transaction limit or the direct buy limit.

Restricted travel purchases include:

  • Employee travel, and
  • Reimbursable travel expenses (e.g., transportation, lodging, hotel reservations, meals).

Note: The University recommends that departments use Central Travel Accounts (CTAs) to purchase airline, rail, and bus/motorcoach transportation services for University business travelers. (See BPPM 95.04.) For questions, contact Travel Services; telephone 509-335-2038 or 509-335-2059.

Exceptions: The following travel-related payments are allowable:

  • Short-distance transportation services, e.g., ferries, taxies, shuttles.
  • Payment of Washington “Go-Pass” road toll fees.
  • Conference registration fees that may include lodging costs (see BPPM 95.05).
    Note: Ensure that the food and lodging costs are in alignment with the travel per diem rates policy (see BPPM 95.19).
  • Direct billing for lodging as outlined in BPPM 95.06)
  • University-related copying services for employees in travel status (see BPPM 80.05)
  • Nonemployee travel and travel expenses (e.g., hotel reservations, ground transportation, and lodging).
Equipment and Furnishings

Restricted equipment and furnishings purchases include:

  • Air conditioners (Use Requisition; see BPPM 70.10)
  • Appliances for breakrooms or personal use, e.g., coffee makers, refrigerators, microwave.
    Exception: A department may use FN057 funds to purchase a single economically-priced refrigerator or microwave for any employee breakroom that is without one. (See BPPM 70.33.)
  • Furnishings which must be purchased through Facilities Services, Operations, in accordance with BPPM 70.01, 70.10, and 80.45, i.e.:
    • Carpeting
    • Floor coverings
    • Window coverings
    • Furniture requiring connection to a building
  • Capitalized equipment (see BPPM 20.50 for definition). See also SAAM Chapter 30 and Small Equipment Purchases.
  • Equipment purchased with equipment trade-in credit (see BPPM 70.12)
  • Equipment qualifying for tax-exemption or tax deferral (see BPPM 70.42)
  • Vehicles, trailers, and vessels (i.e., equipment with titles and licensing
    Note: Payments for the cost of titles and licenses are allowed.

Restricted purchases for services rendered include:

  • Funds transferred to internet accounts to pay web services workers or survey respondents (applies to any type of freelance web services or sites).
  • Nonemployee labor for services subject to prevailing wages (e.g., carpentry, electrical, plumbing).
  • Telephone services, including cellular telephone services and hardware for accounts not owned by the University.
    (Note: Payment of University-owned cellular telephone account monthly charges is allowable; see BPPM 85.45.)

All payments for contracts not signed by delegated authorities are restricted unless there is an approved exception or if the contract is for copier payments and associated use charges.

Copier lease payments and associated use charges on invoices are allowable expenses and do not require a request for an exception as of July 1, 2021. See the Workday Copier Contract Payments by P-Card reference guide for procedures.

(Note: Payments for short-term, small equipment rentals are allowed).

Internal Purchases

Purchases from WSU departments (Use the Workday Internal Service Delivery process or Interdepartmental Requisition and Invoice (IRI). (See the Workday Internal Service Delivery reference guide or BPPM 70.05.)

Further information regarding WSU supplier transactions is available at Accounts Payable Procurement Card.


The Cardholder’s Area Finance Officer (AFO) may grant an exception to a cardholder to allow a procurement card purchase prohibited on the list under Prohibited Purchases. The most common exceptions include:

  • Gift cards
  • Alcohol
  • Contract payments

The AFO may only grant exception approval prior to a purchase. This is not routed to the Card Services team for approval but must be attached to the Procurement Card Transaction Verification in Workday.

Note: Principal investigators (PIs) are responsible for purchasing goods and services which are allowable under the terms of applicable grants or contracts. Cardholders are responsible for obtaining authorization from PIs before making purchases on accounts supported by grants or contracts.

Advisory guidelines for requesting exceptions to prohibited purchases are available at Accounts Payable Procurement Card.

Exception Request Forms

Exception Request forms for the following purchases are available in PDF format on the PRF website.

  • Contracts
  • Entertainment
  • Gift cards
  • Group travel or activity expense
  • Restricted (miscellaneous) use

To request an exception to purchase a prohibited item or service, the cardholder:

  • Completes the applicable Exception Request form and routes it to the AFO for signature; then
  • Attaches the completed and signed form to the Workday Procurement Card Transaction Verification for the purchase.

See the Workday Procurement Card Exception Requests reference guide.

Obtaining a Procurement Card

Obtaining a procurement care requires:

  • Submission of a Procurement Card Application, which includes acceptance of the terms and conditions of a Procurement Cardholder Agreement.
  • Attendance at all required procurement card trainings as provided by Card Services and Human Resource Services. (See Training.)
    Note: Under special circumstances, some training may be excused if authorized by the Procurement Card Manager.


The department completes a Procurement Card Application for each card requested. The application is available online at Accounts Payable Procurement Card.

The application must be authorized by the:

  • Employee as Self (cardholder), and
  • Cardholder’s direct supervisor
    Note: The WSU procurement card is issued in the name of the cardholder. This practice assures greater accountability and a higher level of fraud protection.

Roles and Responsibilities

New Procurement Card

For a new procurement card the cardholder must read and indicate acknowledgement of the Procurement Card Cardholder Agreement that is available with the application through Accounts Payable Procurement Card.

For further information regarding roles and responsibilities, see Program Participants.

Using the Card

A cardholder is accountable for purchases made on their assigned card.

The card is to be used only for the purchase of allowable goods and services. The cardholder must observe the single transaction limit and monthly credit limit assigned to the procurement card account.

The card is to be used for official University business only. Personal purchases violate the terms of the cardholder agreement. See Restrictions.

Place the Order

Give the procurement card or procurement card number to the supplier when the order is placed. Inform the supplier that the purchase is for Washington State University and request that the supplier include applicable discounts.

Request that the supplier send an e-mailed invoice showing zero balance due.

Transaction Declined

If a transaction is declined, the cardholder may contact the program coordinator or manager in Payments—Card Services for assistance. The cardholder may also contact the procurement card issuing bank’s customer service department to determine the reason the card was declined. The customer service telephone number is located on the back of the procurement card.

Billing Address

Provide the supplier with the following billing address for all procurement card transactions:

Washington State University
Purchasing SRVCS
P.O. Box 641020
Pullman, WA 99164-1020

Shipping Instructions

Encourage the supplier to ship the material in accordance with University shipping procedures and discount contracts. See BPPM 80.28.

Provide a complete shipping address, including name, department, building, and room number. Use the street location of the campus central receiving department, if available.

To WSU Pullman

For orders shipped or mailed to a WSU Pullman department, instruct the vendor to include a departmental attention name, the name of the department, and the location of the department. See the label template below for WSU Pullman.

WSU/(Department Name)
(Name of Recipient)/(Room Number, Building)
PULLMAN, WA 99164-1120

When departmental delivery information is not on the shipping label, Central Receiving and Delivery attempts to determine the identity of the recipient. If the identity is not determined, Central Receiving and Delivery may return the package to the supplier.

Receipt/Invoice/Packing Slip

Each purchase must be supported by itemized documentation of purchase, e.g., receipt, invoice, packing slip from the supplier, or web/e-mail confirmation.

Digital confirmation is acceptable. Upload all relevant documentation into the Workday transaction verification via the attachments section.

The itemized documentation of purchase should include each of the following:

  • Supplier’s name
  • Unit prices
  • Itemized description of items purchased
  • Total amount of purchase
  • Date of purchase

If the receipt includes the total purchase amount only, attach a detailed packing slip or detailed invoice to the receipt.

Note: Instruct the supplier to send the itemized documentation of purchase directly to the department by e-mail and not to Accounts Payable.

Missing Documentation

If the card user fails to request and retain the merchant-provided documentation or invoice, the cardholder must complete and sign an Affidavit of Lost Receipt. The approving supervisor must also sign the affidavit.

Either the cardholder or the PCDES must attach the signed affidavit to the attachments section of the Workday transaction verification.

The Affidavit of Lost Receipt form is available in PDF format on the PRF website.

Temporary Card Assignment or Delegated Use

The cardholder may allow another departmental employee to check out the procurement card for an individual transaction by completing the following steps:

  • Training the delegate,
  • Documenting the delegation, and
  • Obtaining the purchase documentation.
Train the Delegate

The cardholder trains the delegate in the appropriate use of the procurement card, including all delegated user responsibilities.

Note: Accounts Payable encourages employees who are expected to be frequent procurement card delegates to attend and complete procurement card training for new cardholders (see Cardholder Training).

Delegated User Responsibilities

The delegated user is responsible for:

  • Using the procurement card in accordance with the procedures in this BPPM section (70.08).
  • Safeguarding the security of the card during possession of the card and the security of the account number at all times.
  • Reporting a lost or stolen card immediately to the cardholder.
Documenting the Delegation

If asked for ID when using the procurement card, the delegate presents a signed delegation form to the supplier. The delegation is returned to the cardholder along with the itemized transaction documents for inclusion during transaction verification in Workday.

Temporary Delegation Form

The cardholder completes a Procurement Card Temporary Delegation form prior to each delegated purchase. Both the cardholder and the delegate must sign the delegation form.

The delegate presents the signed delegation form to the supplier at the time of purchase, if needed. The cardholder returns the delegation form to the reconciler with the itemized documentation of the transaction.

The Procurement Card Temporary Delegation form is available on the PRF website at.

Check-Out Log Sheet

The cardholder records the checkout and return of the procurement card on the Procurement Card Check-Out Log Sheet.

The card holder keeps the checkout log for each card and records the following information:

  • The date and time of card checkout
  • The merchant name
  • The name of the delegate
  • The last four digits of the card number

The Procurement Card Check-Out Log Sheet is available on the PRF website.

Obtaining Purchase Documentation

At time of return, the cardholder obtains the supporting documentation for the purchase from the delegate, including merchant name, date of transaction, unit prices, and item descriptions.

Food and Light Refreshments

The cardholder or PCDES is to code light refreshment purchases to accounts that allow food purchases. The cardholder or PCDES must calculate allowable per diem rates for food purchases and charge any costs over the allowable per diem rates to a Gift. See BPPM 95.19 for links to the allowable per diem rate tables.

If the meal is supported with FN057 funds, the cardholder or PCDES follows the procedures in BPPM 70.33. If supported with other funds, the cardholder or PCDES follows the procedures in BPPM 70.31 and attaches a completed Request to Serve Food form to the Workday transaction verification.

Small Equipment Purchases

The cardholder or PCDES is to code those equipment items costing less than $5000 each using the spend category SC00041 – Small Equipment Items. Exception: The spend category SC000254 is used for laptop computers costing less than $5000.

See BPPM 20.50 for inventory procedures.

Split Coding

The cardholder or PCDES may use split coding to divide the transaction between multiple cost centers (project, program, gift, or grant) during transaction verification. See the Workday Verify Procurement Card Transaction reference guide for instructions.

Note: Split coding is not the same as dividing purchases into multiple transactions to circumvent single transaction or buying limits.

Transactions Not Verified

Within 30 days of month end, the cardholder or PCDES is expected to have reviewed all the previous month’s charges or to have provided transaction notes explaining any delay in online review. Note: The procurement card coordinator or manager may contact the transaction verifiers regarding charges that are not reviewed in a timely manner.

Accounts Payable may expense the transaction directly to the department if the reconciler fails to complete their fiscal duties. In such a case, Accounts Payable determines which specific departmental account to charge for the transaction.

Receipt of Shipment

The cardholder is responsible for verifying receipt of the shipment and determining whether the supplier accurately filled the order. See below for information regarding discrepancies, fraud, and disputes. See BPPM 70.14 for information regarding damaged shipments and returning merchandise.


The cardholder or PCDES is responsible for locating and looking into any discrepancies on records for procurement cards they oversee.


Fraud is defined as an unauthorized charge, which means that the cardholder never made the transaction, or it was done without their permission.

When an unidentifiable transaction is found on the card, the cardholder or PCDES determines whether the transaction is authorized. To determine whether the transaction is authorized, the cardholder or PCDES are required to make an effort to:

  • Review transaction documentation;
  • Contact the merchant;
  • Contact any temporary card delegates; and
  • Use any other means necessary to determine or disprove the authenticity of the purchase.

If the transaction is identified as being unauthorized and fraudulent, the cardholder must immediately contact the issuing bank at the telephone number located on the back of the card. The cardholder should identify and report each fraudulent transaction to the bank no later than 60 calendar days from the date the transaction is posted in Workday. The cardholder’s department is liable for the amount of any fraudulent transaction not reported within this time period.

The cardholder notifies Payments—Card Services if the issuing bank closes the account because of a fraudulent charge. The issuing bank issues a new account number to the cardholder. The bank sends the replacement card to Payments—Card Services, which notifies the cardholder when the card is ready.


A dispute is defined as an authorized charge, which means that the cardholder purposely made the transaction or it was done with their permission, but an issue occurred with the merchant and the merchant refuses to issue a credit to the University.

When an issue with an authorized transaction occurs requiring a refund, the cardholder must first exhaust all possibilities of obtaining the refund from the merchant before attempting to initiate a dispute case. The cardholder must keep a record or log of all efforts made to obtain the refund, as documentation is needed later in the process.

The WSU procurement card coordinator or manager sends all disputes to the procurement card issuing bank. Once the cardholder determines that the merchant is not going to issue a credit, they must contact the WSU procurement card manager or coordinator for instructions.

When asking to initiate a dispute, the cardholder must provide a full background description of the issue and include the documentation of the efforts made to obtain a refund from the merchant.

The cardholder should identify and report each disputable transaction to the WSU procurement card administration team no later than 110 calendar days from the transaction date indicated in Workday.

Payments—Card Services may initiate a dispute in Payment Net within 60 days of transaction date. After 60 days, dispute rights are limited and must be submitted in writing.

Written disputes must be submitted before 120 days have passed from the time of the transaction. After 120 days have passed charges may not be disputed and the department must expense the transaction. The cardholder’s department is liable for the amount of any disputable transaction not reported within 120 days of the charge.


If goods are to be returned, the cardholder must take all the following actions:

  • Obtain return authorization from the supplier and include this authorization inside and on exterior of the box.
  • Contact the campus central receiving department for pickup (see BPPM 70.14).
  • Secure the appropriate credit from the vendor when the goods are returned.
  • Retain return documentation.
  • Attach the itemized documentation for each transaction verification related.
  • Verify that all three retained document sources match for each transaction and contain no discrepancies or issues of any kind.
  • File the itemized documentation. See Records Retention.

Maintaining Cards

Card Storage

The department is responsible for keeping cards in a locked drawer or security box when not in use.

Lost, Stolen, Misplaced

To prevent fraudulent use and loss to the University the cardholder or department must complete all the following steps in the case of a card being lost, stolen, misplaced, or involved in any kind of internet data breach:

  • Immediately report lost, stolen, or misplaced cards to the issuing bank’s 24-hour customer service department. The customer service telephone number is located on the bank statement.
  • Immediately after contacting the issuing bank, report lost, stolen, or misplaced cards to Payments—Card Services; telephone 509-335-2032, or e-mail
  • Notify the approving supervisor of the procurement card account.

The cardholder or PCDES:

  • Monitors the missing card’s transaction details using Workday;
  • Identifies any unauthorized charges; and
  • Certifies whether the unauthorized charges are fraudulent.

Violating Policy

The following actions violate University policy:

  • Purchasing prohibited items with a procurement card or making purchases from prohibited classes of vendors. (See the list under Prohibited Purchases.)
  • Failure to verify procurement card transactions in a timely manner, as required.
  • Failure to attach complete documentation of purchases in Workday.
  • Failure to safeguard and properly monitor the locations of procurement cards.


The University may take any or all of the following actions for violations of University procurement card policies:

  • Accounts Payable may issue a written warning to the cardholder or PCDES.
  • Accounts Payable may issue copies of written warnings to the responsible department chair or to the Office of Internal Audit.
  • Accounts Payable may suspend or cancel the card.
  • Accounts Payable may require that the cardholder or the PCDES receive additional training before a card is reinstated or reissued.
  • Accounts Payable or the responsible department may report the violation to the appropriate vice president and/or the Office of Internal Audit.
  • The University may take disciplinary action against the employee. See BPPM 60.50.
  • The University may pursue employee termination or criminal prosecution. Additionally, the University may take appropriate recovery actions as permitted by law.

Requesting Changes to Card Accounts

The approving supervisor may request permanent changes to a procurement card account by submitting a Procurement Card Change Request form, or for temporary changes, e-mailing a message to:

The following changes may be requested with the Procurement Card Change Request form:

  • Cancel or temporarily suspend a card;
  • Increase the card’s limits: single, monthly, and/or the number of transactions that may be made per day;
  • Change the cardholder’s (Employee as Self) last name.

The Procurement Card Change Request form is available from PRF.

Card Cancellation

The requirements for cancelling a procurement card are as follows:

  • Cardholder leaves the University (see also BPPM 60.74),
  • Cardholder transfers to another department (see also BPPM 60.74), or
  • Cardholder’s job responsibilities change and no longer require the use of a procurement card.

To cancel a procurement card, the cardholder or approving supervisor must submit a written request to Payments—Card Services. The written request may be submitted by e-mail or by using the Procurement Card Change Request form.

The Payments—Card Services program administrator or manager may also cancel a procurement card because of policy violations or other misuse of a procurement card by the cardholder.

Payments—Card Services notifies the department when the account/card has been cancelled. The department is responsible for collecting and destroying the cancelled card.

Card Expiration

In the month prior to the expiration date listed on the front of the card, the issuing bank automatically reissues a card with a new expiration date. The bank sends the card to Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable receives the reissued card and notifies the cardholder that the card is ready for pickup. The procurement card may be used through the end of the month of expiration. The cardholder is responsible for destroying the expired card.

Note: If a procurement card is not used for the 12 consecutive months prior to expiration, the issuing bank places the account on hold due to lack of activity and issues no replacement card. Contact the WSU procurement card manager or coordinator for assistance, if applicable.

Cardholders are contacted during the month of expiration to pick up their new card at Payments—Card Services, French Administration Building, Room 240EE. Photo ID is required for in-person pickup.


All transaction records are subject to review or audit by University personnel and auditors, including:

  • The departmental approving supervisor
  • Accounts Payable personnel
  • Purchasing Services personnel
  • Information Technology Services Chief Security Officer (e.g., PCI Compliance, Integration SOX Compliance, etc.)
  • Staff of the Office of Internal Audit
  • State of Washington Auditors
  • Other auditors (e.g., federal auditors)

Note: All procurement card activities are public records.

Records Retention

Procurement card records must be retained in Workday for six years after the end of the fiscal year in which the transactions are made. (See BPPM 90.01 for more information regarding records retention requirements.)

Revisions:  August 2021 (Rev. 574); Jan. 2021 (Rev. 560); Sept. 2014 (Rev 438); Mar. 2010 (Rev. 357); Apr. 2008 (Rev. 320); July 2006 (Rev. 282); Aug. 2005 (Rev. 263); Nov. 2003 (Rev. 237); Mar. 2003 (Rev. 226); Dec. 2002 (Rev. 223); June 2002 (Rev. 209); Aug. 2001 (Rev. 193); Apr. 2001 (Rev. 183); Aug. 2000 – new policy (Rev. 167).